Unit 17 Nature

发布时间:2016-8-5 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching objectives and demands:

1. Words and useful expressions:

at present,nature,common,recently, alive,year by year,greatly,one day sick, increase,similar,equipment,disappear,period,research,protect,paint

2. Everyday English for communication

Why are you making this journey?

We are trying to collect money for a wild life project.

We want to … so that

That sounds a great idea.

What's the purpose of your new project?

Good luck with your trip!

3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice

Key points:

1. Everyday English for communication;

2. Words and useful expressions

Time arrangement:

This unit is arrangement to be finished in 5~6 teaching periods, including a unit test.

Teaching procedures:

Lesson 65

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises of the previous unit.

(2) Revise the expressions of warnings:

Why are you making this journey?

We are trying to collect money for a wild life project.

We want to … so that

That sounds a great idea.

What's the purpose of your new project?

Good luck with your trip!

Step 2. Presentation and listening

SB1b, Page 9 Part 1. Play the tape of Lesson 65 or the students to follow and ask them the questions in Ex.1 in the workbook on P59.

The students are required to yell out the answers to the class so that we will save time in checking the answers again.

Step 3. Reading

Get the students to read the dialogue to extract the daily expressions for communication.

Why are you making this journey?

We are trying to collect money for a wild life project.

We want to … so that

That sounds a great idea.

What's the purpose of your new project?

Good luck with your trip!

Step 4. Explanations to the dialogue

1. Where are you traveling to? (= Where will you travel to?) 你打算去哪儿旅行呢?

How are you getting there? (=How will you get there?) 你打算怎样去那儿?

以上两句中的谓语动词都用了现在进行时态, 但并不表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,而是表示将来的动作。在英语的口语中,常用现在进行时表示按计划、安排在不久的将来要进行的动作。可以这样用的动词有:arrive, come, go, leave, return, send, start, stay, travel等。例如:

The plane is arriving at 2∶30 p.m. 飞机将于下午两点半到达。

“When are you leaving?”--“Next Tuesday.”


“How long are you staying in Beijing?”--“Two days.”


“What time are they starting for Shanghai? ” --“About 8∶00 a.m. tomorrow.” “他们什么时候出发去上海?”--“明天上午八点左右。”

2. How long will it take you to complete the trip? 走完这个旅程你要花多长时间呢?

“How long…?”是就“多久时间”提问的特殊疑问句, 其中包含这样一个句型:It takes (sb.) some time to do sth.

这句型中的it是形式主语, 它所代表的真正主语是句末的不定式(to do sth.)。整个句型的意思是:(某人) 干某事要花多少时间。例如:

A: How long will it take you to collect money for the project?


B: About half a year.(=It will take me half a year to collect money for the project.) 大约需要半年时间。

A: How long did it take you to travel in Beijing?


B: Just a week.(It took me just a week to travel in Beijing.) 正好一个星期。

A: How long does it take to get to Shanghai by train from Wuhan?


B: About 27 hours. (= It takes 27 hours to get to Shanghai by train from Wuhan.) 大约27个小时。

3. How many of you are making the trip? 你们有多少人做这次旅行呢?

Why are you making this journey? 你们为什么要做这次旅行呢?

以上两句中的trip和journey都是名词,作“旅行”解, 都可以同动词make搭配,构成make a trip/journey词组, 是“做旅行”、“进行旅游”的意思。还可以同动词 take 搭配, 构成 take a trip/journey,意思与前相同。例如:

I think I'll make a trip abroad next month. 我想下个月去国外旅行。

His family took a long trip to Paris. 他一家人到巴黎做了一次长途旅行。

She is going to make a journey around the world. 她打算做一次环球旅行。

They are planning to take a journey to Hong Kong. 他们计划去香港旅行。

表示“去旅行”还可以用go/be on a trip 或 go/be on a journey。上述例句可以改写成:

I think I'll go on a trip abroad next month.

His family was on a long trip to Paris.

He is going on a journey around the world.

They are planning to be on a journey to Hong Kong.

除了trip和journey外,还有travel也作“旅行”解, 既可以作名词,也可以作动词。例如:

The book is about travels in Africa. 这本书是关于非洲旅行的。

The travel through the desert was a very difficult one.


It's much faster to travel by plane. 乘飞机旅行速度快得多。

“Where are you travelling to next week? ”--“ To Xi'an.”


4. There's a very important Chinese deer called the milu deer.


(1) “milu”是麋鹿的英译名。deer泛指鹿科动物, 这个名词的单、复数同形。

“How many deer do you see in the picture? ” --“ Only one (deer).”


Look! Those deer are called milu deer. 瞧! 那些鹿就叫麋鹿。


This fish is called goldfish; those fish are also called goldfish.



You'll see many kinds of fish(es) in the fish market.


There are fishes of many colours and sizes.


(2) called the milu deer是一个过去分词短语,作定语, 相当于一个定语从句(…which is called the milu deer), 修饰先行词Chinese deer。例如:

In London there was a terrible disease called “ the plague”.


In the middle of the picture there is a white building called the White House.


5. Good luck with your trip! 旅途平安(顺利)!

“Good luck!”是表示祝愿的交际用语,有“走运”、 “交好运”的意思,常用在分手道别时。在“Good luck ”后可跟介词短语“to sb.” 或 “with sth.”,表示“祝某人走运”或“祝某事顺利”的意思。例如:

A: I'm afraid I must be leaving now. 恐怕我该走了。

B: Good luck! 祝你走运!

A: I'll try my best at the exam. See you tomorrow.


B: Good luck to you! 祝你走好运!

A: The concert is going to start. I have to go now.

Good-bye! 音乐会就要开始了,我得走了。再见。

B: Good-bye! Good luck with your performance. 再见! 祝你演出成功。

6.put on performances, 意思是“进行演出”,put on作“上演”解。例如:

They put on performances to collect money for the project.


The singer put on a fine performance last night.


Step 5. Workbook

(1) SB1b, Page 59, Ex. 2. Tell the students to make up a dialogue in accordance with the dialogue that we have just learned. Read the instructions carefully and make up a dialogue in pairs. Pick out some pairs to demonstrate to the class if time permits.

(2) SB1b, Page 59, Ex.3. Tell the students to read the instructions and write a short report about the bicycle trip. (This work is to be assigned as their homework)


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 65 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.

(3) Find out the relevant information about milu deer in encyclopedia or on the web.

Lesson 66 Milu Deer Return to China

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the key points in Lesson 65.

Step 2. Lead-in

Check the extracurricular homework of what they have looked up in the encyclopedia or on the web about milu deer. Get some students to report to the class.

Step 3. Skimming

Now tell the students to read the text and answer the questions at the head of the text:

(1) How many milu deer centers now are there in China?

(2) What do people plan to do with milu deer in the future?

Step 4. Scanning

Now get the students to read the text of Lesson 66 and answer the questions in Ex.1 in the workbook on Page 60. Answer the questions with the whole class.

Step 5. Language points

1. At present there are not many milu deer in nature parks in China. 目前在中国的天然公园里还没有很多麋鹿。at present作“现在(now)”解,作状语,可放在句首或句末。 例如:

At present there are 3 centres for milu deer in China.


We are planning to collect 780,000 yuan for the wild life project at present.


注意,固定词组at present中的present是名词(现在), 前面不加定冠词the。另外还有一个固定词组(at the present time)也作“现在”解,其中的present是形容词(现在的),前面要加定冠词the。例如:

At the present time the number of milu deer in China is small, but it is increasing every year. 目前,中国的麋鹿数量还少,但是每年在增加。

2. The milu deer is a kind of deer that used to be common in China long ago. (=There were lots of milu deer in China in the past, but not now.) 麋鹿在很久以前是中国一种常见的鹿。

“…that used to be common…”是定语从句,其中的谓语“used to be common”既有“was common”( 过去是平常的)意思,还含有“目前并不如此”的意思。例如:

He used to be strong when he was in junior middle school. (=He was strong, but not now.) 他读初中时身体曾经是健壮的。(内含的意思是“现在不健壮了。)

There used to be lots of apple trees around the house 10 years ago. (=There were lots of apple trees…,but there aren't any now.) 十年前,这座房子四周曾经有着许多苹果树。( 内含的意思是“现在没有了”。)

3. Until recently, the only milu deer alive in the world belonged to the Duke of Bedford in England. 直到不久以前, 世界上仅有的活着的麋鹿属英国贝德福公爵所有。

(1) until(直到)作介词用时,后面通常跟表示时间的名词。例如:

He studied in the library until 12 o'clock. 他在图书馆一直学习到十二点。

They talked on/about the project until midnight.


有时在until后面也可以跟一个副词,如until recently。又如:

They did the experiment until very late. 他们做实验一直做得很晚。

Mr Johnson went into the office at 2∶00 p.m. Until then no one discovered the fire. 约翰逊先生于下午两点钟进到办公室,在此之前, 没有人发现火灾。

(2) the only milu deer alive=the only milu deer that were alive(仅有的活着的麋鹿),其中的alive是形容词, 作“活着的”解,通常用作表语,当其作定语时, 则要放在所修饰的名词后。例如:

He was badly wounded but was still alive. 他受了重伤,但还活着。

The only man alive is called Jack Smith. 唯一活着的人名叫杰克史密斯。(不说:The only alive man is called Jack Smith.)

作定语用表示“活着的”形容词是living,可以前置, 如上句若用living,则可写成:The only living man is called Jack Smith.


She is considered to be the best living physicist in France.


English is a living and constantly changing language.


4. They liked the cool wet weather there and their number increased year by year. 它们(麋鹿)喜欢那儿凉爽而湿润的气候,因此, 它们的数量逐年增长。year by year 逐年地,年复一年地。在句中作状语。英语中有一些类似的“n.+by+n.”的词组, 表示“逐个地”的意思, 如 day by day(一天一天地),one by one(一个一个地),step by step(一步一步地)。例如:

The price is going up year by year. 物价逐年上涨。

The problems should be solved step by step. 问题得逐步解决。

Don't hurry. Come in one by one. 别忙。一个一个地进来。

Spring is coming, and the number of travelers is increasing day by day.


5. In fact, there are now so many deer that some are being sent to places which would like to return this kind of deer to the wild. (=There are now enough deer to send to other parts of the world. From there, they'll be set free to the forest or the countryside.) 事实上,这种鹿的数量已经很多,(以致) 有些鹿正被送往那些愿把麋鹿送回野外去的地方。

(1) 这是带有两个从句的复合句。主句是“ There are now many deer”。一个从句是由“so…that ”引导的表示结果的状语从句“that some are being sent to places ”;另一个从句是由which引导的定语从句“which would like

to return this kind of deer to the wild”,修饰先行词places。

在状语从句中的谓语动词用了现在进行时的被动语态, 这是本单元的语法重点。关于这个语法点,请参阅Lesson 68的语法解说。

(2) 句中的wild是名词,作“荒原”、“荒野”解。例如:

These plants were first found in the wild. 这些植物首先是在荒野里被发现的。

His family are trying to turn the wild into a corn field.


wild还可以作形容词用,作“野生的”、 “不易驯服的”解。例如:

The lion is called the king of wild animals. 狮子被称为百兽之王。

This kind of elephant is rather wild. 这种大象是很野的。

6. Since then the number of milu deer there has greatly increased. (=Since that time there has been a great rise in the number of milu deer.) 从那以后,那儿的麋鹿的数目已经大大增加了。

(1) 句中的number作“数目”、“数量”解(amount)。 注意,“ the number of…”的意思是“……的数目”;而“ a number of……”的意思是“一些……”。例如:

The number of wild animals has become less in recent years.


A number of wild animals have been found in the forest. 森林里发现了许多野兽。

(2) 句中的increase是不及物动词,作“增加”解; 它也可以用作及物动词,词义相同。例如:

The population has greatly increased these years.


The number of students in our school is increasing year by year.


Travel increases one's knowledge of the world.


Because of the wildlife project,the number of milu deer has increased.

由于这项野生动物保护工程,麋鹿的数量已经增加了。( 不及物动词)

7. At all these centres it is hoped that one day they will have enough animals to set them free and let them live in the wild again. (= People at these centres hope that they will have enough deer to be sent to the wild again.) 在这些研究中心, 人们希望有一天他们会有足够多的麋鹿可以放出去,让它们重新回到野外去生活。

(1) 注意,本句中用了形式主语it的句型:

It is hoped+that-clause. (=People hope+that-clause.)

句型中的It是形式主语,代替后边的真正主语that-clause 。


It is hoped that the number of deer will greatly increase very soon.


It is hoped that the report about nature project will be ready before Friday.


It was hoped that the helicopters would land on the roof of the building. But the smoke was too thick.



It is said+that-clause. (=Somebody says+that-clause. ) 据说……

It is believed+that-clause. ( = People believe+ that-clause.) 据信……

It is reported+that-clause. (= Somebody reports+ that-clause.) 据报道……


It is said that some more milu deer will be sent to the nature park in Shishou in Hubei. 据说还有一些麋鹿将会送到湖北石首的天然公园来。

It is reported that some other wild animals are being kept and studied at the research center. 据报道,那个研究中心目前还饲养了另外一些野兽, 并对它们进行研究。

It is believed that the flood there is the biggest in 100 years.


(2) 句中的one day指“将来的某一天”, 用于将来时的句子中。例如:

It is hoped that one day the milu deer will be set free to the wild.


You're still young; you'll know more about our country's history one day.


one day还可以指“过去的某一天”,用于过去时的句子中。例如:

One day we visited the nature park near Beijing and saw the milu deer.


One day when I was making a trip in Britain, I heard of the wildlife project.


So once more there will be milu deer living in the wild in China.


(1) once more (=once again) 再一次,重新。 用在句中作状语。例如:

Don't lose heart. Try it once more. 别灰心了,再来试一次。

Would you please explain the sentence once more?


These programmes are once more appearing on TV.


(3) 句中的“living in the wild in China”是-ing 短语,作定语,相当于一个定语从句(…that are living in the wild in China),修饰先行词milu deer。例如:

The man living next to us is a scientist at the research center. (=The man who is living next to us is a scientist at the research center.)


The people planning a bicycle trip are newspaper reporters. (=The people who are planning a bicycle trip are newspaper reporters.)


Step 6. Summary of the structure

Now get the students to summarize the structure of the passive voice of the present continuous tense. They are asked to read aloud the relevant sentences in the text.

Step 7. Consolidation

Tell the students to tell us about the milu deer. The following are the clues:

The Ming and Qing dynasty-duke of Bedford-now

The students are required to do it in pairs or in groups.

Step 8. Workbook

Get the students to do Ex.2 and 3 in the workbook exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 66 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.

(3) Preview the grammar item: the passive voice of present continuous tense.

Lesson 67

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the contents of Lesson 66.

Step 2. Lead-in; language focus

Tell the students that today we are going to practice grammar item: First of all tell the students something about the grammar- the passive voice of present continuous tense.


现在进行时的被动语态用来表示此时此刻某事正在被完成, 它的结构如下:am/are/is+ being + p.p.+(by-phrase) 例如:

(1) Wait a minute, please. I am being examined by the doctor.


(2) More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park.


(3) The life of the milu is being studied at present.


在被动语态结构的句子中, 如果不强调动作的执行者,则by-phrase常可省去。上述例句中,除例(1)用了by-phrase外,其余两个例句都没有用。在例(2)中,人们所关心的是“麋鹿搬迁”的事,至于由谁搬运, 则不关心了。在例( 3)中, 人们所关心的是“麋鹿生活习性的研究”,至于由谁来研究,则无必要提出。

谓语动词为现在进行时的主动句,变成被动句时, 应把主动句中的宾语变成被动句中的主语, 而把主动句中的主语变成被动句 by phrase中的介词宾语。如果不必强调时,则整个by-phrase都可省略。谓语动词的结构要变成“am/are/is+ being +p.p.”。例如:

主动句:They are studying the milu deer at the research center.

被动句:The milu deer are being studied at the research center (by them).

Step 3. Practice

Now tell the students to do Part 2, put the sentences into passive voice. Get some quick learners to help the slow learners and make sure all the students are able to master the grammar.

Step 4. Pair work

SB Lesson 67, Part 3, organize the students to practice this part in pairs to consolidate what we learned about present continuous tense.

Step 5. Workbook

Get the students to do the workbook exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 67 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the passive voice of present continuous tense.

Lesson 68

Step 1. Revision

(1) Check the homework exercises.

(2) Revise the content of Lesson 67.

(3) Review the passive voice of present continuous tense.

Step 2. Listening

(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 123 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.

(2) While-listening:

① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.

② Check the answers with the students.

(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.

Step 3. Checkpoints

Go through Checkpoint 17 with the students. Get the students to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions.

Step 4. Word study

SB P12, Part 2. Complete the sentences with the words given on the left. Pick out some eloquent students to yell out their answers to save time.

Step 5. Writing

SB P12, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to fill in the blanks with the word given in the box. Check the answers with the class.

Step 6. Workbook

Workbook Lesson 68 Ex.1~3 and the exercises in Unit 17 Revision. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students.


(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 68 in the workbook.

(2) Revise the key points of this unit.

(3) Revise the grammar: the passive voice of present continuous tense.

Evaluation of teaching: