Unit 18 New Zealand(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-24 编辑:互联网 手机版

Teaching goals:

1. talk about New Zealand

2. talk about location and directions

3. learn to use “it” as subject

4. write a description of a country or aregion.

Period 1

Learn the new words in this unit.

1. 表示方位的词汇:

(n) east west north south

southeast northeast southwest northwest

(adj) eastern western northern southern

northeastern northwestern

southeastern southwestern central


Japan is to the east of China.

Japan lies to the east of China.

Japan lies east of China.

Nanjing lies on the Changjiang River.

Guangdong lies to the south of Hubei.

Guangdong lies on the south of Hunan.

Guangdong lies in the southeast of China.

Taiwan lies off the south east coast

East of the city lies an airport.

An airport stands in the east of the city.

3. Surround vt; vi 包围; 围绕

A high wall surrounds the prison camp. 一道高墙围住了战俘集中营。

The police surrounded the house where an explosion happened ten minutes ago.


4. mild: adj.

----soft; gentle; not severe 温和的; 不严厉的

mild weather 温和的天气

mild answer 温柔的回答

mild punishment 不严厉的惩罚

----(of food, drinks, tobacco) not sharp or strong in taste of flavor 不浓的;淡爽的

I’d like some mild cheese.

My grandfather sometimes has mild cigar.

5. Settle:-

1)---vt; vi 安家; 定居 make home in; live in

After retirement, the professor setteled in the country.

The couple decide to move to london and settle there.

2)----com to rest (on); stay for some time (on)

The bird settled on a branch.

The dust settled on the desk.


They had all the problems settled at the meeting.

It’s time you settled the argument.

6. take possession of 夺取;占有

You can’t take the possession of the house untill all the papers have been signed.


At midnight they crossed the river and took possession of the village.

be in possession of 持有

win possession of the ball 抢到球

a man of great possessions 富人

lose all one’s possessions 失去所有财产

possess vt. 有; 具有 (own; have)

What a pity the greedy man possessed nothing at last.

7. Conference:

a doctor's conference 医生的会议

Mr. Smith is in conference with his advisers. 史密斯先生和他的顾问们协商。

a fact-finding conference 调查会

a press [news] conference 记者招待会

be in conference 正在开会讨论

call a conference 召集会议

have a conference with 和...协商[谈判]

8. Relation relationship

Relation :指明确,具体的关系。 如:事物之间的关系(用单数,可加不定冠词);国家、团体或人民之间的联系或交往(常用复数);也可指亲戚关系、亲戚(可数)。

Relationship 指的关系比较抽象、笼统,着重人的感觉或彼此之间的态度,常用来表现国际、人际、亲属等关系状况, 还可表示强烈的感情上的关系或联系。

Is there a relation between walking and health?

The two countries decided to develop the further economic and trade relations.

I’m not going to give my boyfriend the job just because of our relationship.

It was in 1979 that the USA established diplomatic relations, ending the prolonged abnormal relationship between them.


Period 2

1. Show a map of the world and ask the students to write out the names of the seven continents and the four oceans.

2. Fill in the blanks about some information about China. And talk about it.

Full country name:______


Area:_____sq km. The largest? the 2nd largest? the 3rd largest


Capital city:____________




Major products/industries:______

3. Learn some useful expressions.

(1) Where is….?

Where is … located?

What is the position of…?

(2) …is/lies in /on/to the south of

(某岛屿)is/lies off the east coast of

…is/lies north/south/east/west of

in the northern / western part of…southeastern / northeastern Shaanxi is/lies…Central / East China

4. Some example sentences:

1.Mongolia lies to the north of Inner Mongolia.

2.Russia lies to the north of China.

3.India lies to the south of China.

4.Vietnam lies to the south of China.

5.South Korea lies to the east of China across the Yellow Sea.

6.Japan lies to the east of China.

7.The Yellow Sea lies to the east of Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces.

8.The Pacific Ocean is off the eastern coast of Taiwan Island.

9.Taiwan Island lies off the coast of Fujian Province.

10.Hainan Island lies off the coast of Guangdong Province\South China.


1. Suppose you were a manager of a Travel Service in Shaanxi, you are introducing the known places of interest to the travel agencies or the travel reporters in other cities in China.

Welcome to visit the sceneries of Shaanxi!

2.Draw a map of Shaanxi, including cities, seven counties, rivers, islands and traveling spots, and mark them out in the map. Show it in class (Better in group).

以小组为单位,通过各种途径如Internet等搜集有关陕西的组成、地理、河流和景点,并将它们标在地图上,在用简单的语言描述。要求以图片或powerpoint的形式由每组的group speaker展示

Period 3

1.Read the text and Divide the whole passage into four parts.

Para1: Geographical feature and cities.

Para2: Climate

Para3: Landscapes

Para4: Earliest settlers-Maori

Para.1:Geographical feature and cities.

(1) What’s the location?

(2) What’re the waters in relation to NZ?

(3) (Marking the main cities, capital, two parts-north / south islands, seas, ocean on the map.)

Para.2 : Climate

(1) What’s the main type of climate ?

(2) What are the seasons like?

Para.3: Landscapes

(1) What can we see near the coastline?

(2) Where can we see volcanoes and hot springs?

(3) What’s NZ’s national bird?

Para.4: Earliest settlers-Maori

(1) What was NZ called 1000 years ago?

(2) What did they bring in to NZ when they settled ?

(3) When is considered as a national holiday?

2. Read the text and choose the right choice:

1.Which of the following refers to New Zealand?

A.It is made up of four parts -Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

B. It consists of four parts -Hokkaido, Kyushu, Honshu and Shikoku.

C. There are two parts in it -North Island and South Island.

D. It is made up of three islands, including Bali Island.

2. What’s the Chinese for the word “hot spring” in the text?

A.暖春 B. 加热了的弹簧

C. 温泉 D. 受人崇拜的年轻人

3. The first settlers of New Zealand were ______.

A.Europeans, mainly British

B.islanders of Polynesia in the Pacific

C.people from Asian countries

D.people from Australia

4. From the text we know that the population of New Zealand is mainly made up of ________.

A. the Maori and Europeans

B. the Maori, Europeans and Pacific islanders

C. the Maori and Kooris

D. the Maori and Asians

5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?

A.Kiwi is New Zealand’s national bird.

B.Kiwi is a flightless bird.

C.Kiwi lives only in New Zealand.

D.Kiwi is a introduced bird.

Peroid 4

1. Language points:

1.New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.

off “在离…的海上”(in a part of the ocean that is near the land)

They live on the island off the coast of Fujian.


They were sailing two miles off the shore.


off “靠近…”(near a particular street, road,etc. but not directly on it)

The restaurant is just off the main road.


2. be made up of = consist of; 由…组成

be made of 用…制造;

be made from 用…制成;

be made into 被制成;

be made in 在某地制造;

make up (for) 弥补,补偿;

This novel ______________ ten chapters.

The bridge _________ steel.

Paper____________ wood.

We must ___________to him somehow.

You have to find a time _____________the lessons you missed.

make up 组成;编造;和解;化妆;补足

Peasants make up the majority of the population of our country.

Don’t make up excuse any more for your coming late.

She has made up her quarrel with me.

She took over 30 minutes to make up.

We have to drive fast to make up the hours we lost in Boston.

3. New Zealand is surrounded by the pacific Ocean to the north and east, and Tasman Sea to the south and west.

surround with be surrounded with/by

Mountains surround the village on three sides.

The village is surrounded by mountains on three sides.

4. Many of New Zealand’s cities lie on a bay and have a natural deep harbour. 新西兰许多城市都建在海湾上,拥有天然的深水港。

on---- “在…(水)畔; 靠近…(水)”

Her mother comes from a village on the Baltic Sea.


A town on the Mississippi 密西西比河岸上的小镇

比较: on the coast (在岸边) off the coast (在海上)

5. It is some 3,500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they travelled in narrow boats. 从波利尼西亚到新西兰约有3500 公里, 他们乘着狭长的小船前来。

it 和which 均代表距离。

some 是副词,数字前=about

That was some twenty years ago.

Polynesia 是位于大洋洲东部的中太平洋群岛, 主要包括法属波利尼西亚, 夏威夷,汤加等。

6. 其它短语:

1.off the eastern coast of 在…东海岸

2. about the same size as 和…大约一样大

3. throw water high into the air 把水喷向空中

5. be used to do sth 被用来做…

5. take possession of 占据

6. sign an agreement with 与…签约

Period 5

1. Language study


1.The jungles of South East Asia are the natural habitat to many different kinds of subtropical animals and plants.

2. Canada is covered by very large forests.

2. The Chinese province of Inner Mongolia is famous for its grasslands.

4. Some of the mountains in southwest China belong to the highest in the world.

5. The Summer Palace is built on the hills to the west of Beijing.

7. Sands from the deserts in Northwest China is carried over hundreds of kilometres and causes terrible sand storms in spring.


1.By the end of spring, our schoolyard has turned into a grassy field.

2. The best swimming and sunbathing is along the sandy beaches on Hainan Island.

3. The river flows through flat land between the mountains.

4. Most of the countryside in southeast England is hilly.

5. There is only a rocky path that leads to the top of the mountain.

6. In the past the hillsides and most of the land was wooded.

8. Coming from a mountainous country, the girl likes climbing mountains very much.


1.The USA is famous for the Rocky Mountains.

2.The mountainous jungles of the central and South America are among the most dangerous areas for tourists.

4. Where once green forests could be seen, there are now only sandy hills.

4. Many young travellers choose a hiking trip on the wooded hills.

5. Over a period of millions of years, high mountains are turned to hilly, and finally into flat lands.

5. Sheep farming is found everywhere on the grassy hills in the east.

Period 6

1. Read the text and check the understanding

1.The word “hui” means_______.

A. a special day for Maori

B. a special place for Maori

C. a special event

D. a special service for Maori

2. Which of the following is wrong?

A.Maori is an official language in New Zealand.

B.New Zealand is an agricultural country.

C.New Zealand, with its modern cities, attracts tourists from all over the world.

D.Maori people believe that the spirit stays with the dead person for 3 days.

3.When is the summer in New Zealand?

A.From March to June.

B. From June till august.

C. From September till December.

D. From December to February.

4.“ Maori children are taught at an early age what to do when they come to the marae,” shows that ______.

A. they are good at education.

B.they hope to keep their way of life alive.

C. they want their children to behave properly in the society.

D. they want to keep their children away from the white people.

2.Language study:

1. The happier events are marked with speeches, singing and dancing. 在喜庆事件中,人们发表讲话, 载歌载舞来庆祝。

mark… with… 用…作标记

The newly –painted floor was marked with footprints.

an ink mark 墨水渍

a question mark 问号

a tide mark 潮标 full marks 满分

2. turn to 转向; 转而去…(接名词或动名词)

Some farmers have turned to keeping deer.

His attention turned to the pretty young girl.

He turned to the study and practice of medicine.

After he left university he became a teacher, but later he turned to journalism./ but later he turned journalist.

3. New Zealand wine is of high quality.

The wok is very important.=

The old watch is still useful to me.=

The soldiers are almost the same in height.=

Their suggestion is very valuable. =

4. Refer to

1.查阅, 参考

A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of words.

I had forgotten the date of the battle, so I referred to a history book.

The speaker referred to his notes now and then.


Don’t refer to your sister as a silly cow!

The boy used to be referred to as clever.

3. 指的是, 指…而言

When I said some people are stupid I didn't refer to you.

I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young man.


The speaker referred to his past experiences.

Don’t refer to me in your letter or in your speech.

Period 8

Gung Ho!

1.despite = in spite of (prep.)

Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.


He remains modest despite his achievements


in spite of

They kept going in spite of their fears.


I went out in spite of the rain.


In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.


3. Try one’s luck 试运气

4. Set up factories 建工厂

5. Be skilled at 在…方面有技能

6. Run business 经营生意