2012届高考英语顶尖学案:新课标人教版Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 会晤祖先(新课标版高考复习英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2017-12-17 编辑:互联网 手机版


1.We must take measures to ____________(加快)the rate of economic growth.

2.The new method caught on and many peasants became very____________(熟练的)at it.

3.At that time I felt____________(晕眩的).I was almost losing my balance and was about to fall.

4.They’ve ____________(逮捕)almost everybody who is involved in the robbery.

5.If payment is not received within five days,legal action will be our only____________(可能的选择).

6.The results of the study have a wider____________(重要意义)for all the professions.

7.Sorry to____________(打断),but I need to ask you some questions.

8.We must make a careful____________(分析)on the problem and then make a decision.

9.His family’s wealth is____________into four parts,but they don’t think the____________is fair.(divide)

10.She used to suffer from____________but now she is ____________herself to try to lose weight.(starve)

1.accelerate 2.skillful 3.dizzy 4.arrested 5.alternative 6.significance 7.interrupt 8.analysis 9.divided;division 10.starvation;starving


1.________________ 不管;不顾

2.________________ 至多;最多

3.________________ 切碎

4.________________ 受够了;饱受;厌烦

5.________________ 向前看;为将来打算

6.________________ 追溯到……

7.________________ 集中

8.________________ 寻找

9.________________ 轮流做某事

10.________________ 禁不住做某事

1.regardless of 2.at most 3.cut up 4.fed up with 5.look ahead 6.date back 7.concentrate on 8.search for 9.take turns to do sth. 10.can’t/couldn’t help doing


1.Yes,indeed,____________________________,all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake.


2.__________________ she had looked ahead and planned better this year!


3.Abruptly she sat down,________________ by her laughing,shouting sister,Luna.


4.Our evidence ____________ they did wear clothes made from animal skins.


1.as the botanical analyses have shown us 2.If only 3.only to be scooped up 4.suggests that


1 .alternative  adj. 供选择的;其他的 

n. 可能的选择;选择对象

(回归课本P37)Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?




①(牛津P56)You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly;those are the two alternatives.


②(牛津P56)We had no alternative but to fire him.


③The way was blocked,so we went by an alternative road.



1.(2009年高考湖北卷)As there is less and less coal and oil,scientists are exploring new ways of making use of________energy,such as sunlight,wind and water for power and fuel.

A.primary      B.alternative

C.instant D.unique


2 .assume  v. 假定;设想;假装;承担

(回归课本P38)So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.




①(牛津P104)It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.


②(牛津P104)Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.


③(牛津P104)It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.


④Assuming that the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money?


⑤A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.



2.We all can go out for a picnic this afternoon-________that the others agree.

A.to assume       B.assumed

C.assume D.assuming

解析:选D。assuming that...“假定……”。类似表达有:providing/supposing (that)...。

3 .interrupt  vt.& vi. 打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或


(回归课本P38)I’m sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?




①(牛津P1069)Sorry to interrupt,but there is someone to see you.


②(牛津P1069)They were interrupted by a knock at the door.


③It’s bad manners to interrupt others when they are talking.


④Let’s go somewhere where we can talk without interruption.




3.________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(打断别人是没有礼貌的)while they are having a conversation.

答案:It is bad manners to interrupt others

4 .significance  n. 意义;意思;重要性;重要意义

(回归课本P40)His university was aware of the significance of his work.




①(牛津P1866)The new drug has great significance for the treatment of the disease.


②(牛津P1866)She couldn’t grasp the full significance of what he had said.


③It is a matter of great significance.


④Their change of plan is strange but I don’t think it’s significant.



4.Only later________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(我们意识到真正意义)of his remark.

答案:did we realize the true significance

5 .arrest  n. 逮捕;拘留 

vt. 逮捕;吸引

(回归课本P43)She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.




①(牛津P92)A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery.


②(牛津P92)You could get arrested for doing that.


③Fifteen persons were under arrest because of the serious violence.


④The beautiful sunset arrested our attention,and we stopped to watch it.



5.It is reported that the agent was________for carrying a false passport.

A.arrested      B.accused

C.charged D.suspected

解析:选A。句意:据报道那个代理商因使用假护照而被捕。be arrested for因……被逮捕;be accused of因……被指控;be charged with被控告……;be suspected of被怀疑……。

6 .regardless of 不管;不顾(侧重指不计后果和代价)

(回归课本P38)So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves,regardless of the cold.



regardless of,despite,in spite of

(1)regardless of...强调不认为……重要,从而不加以重视或考虑,而despite和in spite of有“尽管……但是”之意。

(2)regardless of 后可接whether,what引导的从句,而in spite of和despite后不可接从句。


①(牛津P1671)The club welcomes all new members regardless of age.


②He says what he thinks,regardless of other people’s feelings.


③(2009年高考上海卷)Despite the high mountains and thick forests,the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the accident for the rescue.


④All our proposals were rejected regardless of their value.



6.(2009年高考江苏卷)This special school accepts all disabled students,________educational level and background.

A.according to       B.regardless of

C.in addition to D.in terms of

解析:选B。句意:这所特殊学校接受所有有残疾的孩子,不管其教育水平和背景如何。regardless“不管,无论”,符合题意。according to“根据”;in addition to“除……之外”;in terms of“从……方面来说”。

7 .date back to 追溯到……

(回归课本P44)All the objects are from the same excavation site in Sanxingdui and can be dated back to between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago.



date back to=date from



①This custom dates back to the 16th century.


②My interest in stamp collecting dates back to/from my schooldays.


③This is an old building dating back to/dating from the 16th century.



7.Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the tower,which ________ as early as 800 years ago.

A.dates back to      B.is dated back

C.dates back from D.was dated from

解析:选A。短语date back to 相当于date from,意为“追溯到,始于”。两者通常与过去的时间状语连用,但多用于一般现在时,且一般不用于被动语态。句意:每天都有许多游客在这座可追溯到800年前的塔前拍照。


【教材原句】 If_only it could be just like last year!(P43)


【句法分析】 “if only+句子”是一个固定句型,表示一种愿望“要是……就好了/但愿……!”

(1)if only...could/would+do...表示对将来事情的愿望(不用should)。

(2)if only...did...表示对与目前或现在事实相反的愿望。

(3)if only...had done...表示对与过去事实相反的愿望。

①If only Marx were here by my side!


②If only you had worked with greater care!


③If only the whole family could be united during the Spring Festival!



if only,only if

(1)if only用来表达愿望,意为“但愿……,要是……就好了”,句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气(与现在事实相反用一般过去时,与过去事实相反用过去完成时)。

(2)only if由副词only和从属连词if组合而成,only仅起强调作用,意为“只要”。

①If only we could afford to buy a place of our own.

②If only you knew how hard I’ve tried to please you.

③Only if you promise not to invite Mary will I come.

④Only if you do as I told you can you succeed.


8.Look at the trouble I am in!If only I________your advice.

A.followed      B.would follow

C.had followed D.should follow

解析:选C。if only表示“如果……就好了”,表示与事实相反,条件意味强烈,其谓语动词常用虚拟语气。此句表示过去的动作,须选用过去完成时。

9.-Any information about your son?

-No.If only I________those tough words to him.

A.didn’t say

B.hadn’t said

C.shouldn’t have said

D.couldn’t have said

解析:选B。考查虚拟语气。if only“要是……就好了”。答句句意:要是我没对他说那些太严厉的话就好了。和过去事实相反,故用过去完成时。














①People’s view on________.②In my opinion,________.

③Just take________.④The success________.⑤So cooperation________.

⑥I doubt whether________.⑦No matter________.⑧At the same time,________.⑨So cooperation________.

⑩All in all,________.


My View on Cooperation

①People’s view on cooperation varies from individual to individual.In my opinion,cooperation to society is what air is to man.

②Just take the 2008 Nobel Chemistry Prize as an example.The success relies on the efforts of all the three scientists.③So cooperation plays a very important role in the fields of scientific research.

④I doubt whether personal efforts are enough to deal with the ever increasing challenges. ⑤No matter how great a person is, he or she cannot accomplish everything within his or her own strength. At the same time, everyone has their shortcomings. So cooperation is needed as far as the fact is concerned.

⑥All in all, as the saying goes “All roads lead to Rome” I think all rightful attempts to succeed lead to the improvement of men’s living and working standard.






⑤no matter引导的让步状语从句增强了感染力。



(2011年陕西宝鸡教学质检)诚信是处世之本。但是在中学生当中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、欺骗家长和老师等现象屡见不鲜。请你对以上种种现象作简要描述,并以“How to guarantee honesty”为题,从三个方面谈谈如何保证学生做到诚信。



How to guarantee honesty

As we all know,honesty is always an essential principle of living.Much to our regret,however,________________________________________________________________________



Honesty is the best policy,which is what we should keep in mind all the time.

One possible version:

How to guarantee honesty

As we all know,

honesty is always an essential principle of living.Much to our regret,however,it is nothing new that some middle school students cheat in exams,copy others’ homework and fool their teachers and parents.Therefore,how to guarantee honesty should come to our attention.

Personally,I think honesty education is necessary.For instance,courses on honesty can be offered to students;activities like storytelling and lectures are also worth trying.With the concept of “being honest” rooted in their minds,honesty can be reflected in their daily life and study.

Besides,related rules and regulations should be laid down.Detailed criteria should be applied to evaluate students in aspects such as homework,tests,relationship with teachers and parents.

Then,strict measures should be carried out to punish those who cheat,and consequently,they must assume responsibility for their bad behavior,thus considerably reducing chances of cheating next time.

Honesty is the best policy,which is what we should keep in mind all the time.
