<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 18

发布时间:2016-6-6 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 69

1. There are thousands of jokes in English which have a “play on words”. 在英语里, 有数以千计的 “文字游戏” 笑话. play on words 双关语,俏皮话; 用同音异义词, 或一词多义的现象构成的语义双关的语句.

2. It’s bean soup. 这是豆汤. It’s been soup. 这是汤.

3. The first person is asking for information about time. 第一个人是在打听时间方面的情况. Ask for要求得到; 要求给予. 例如: Li mei asked for time to think all this over. 李梅要求给她时间来考虑这一切. Why not ask him for help? 为什么不找他帮忙呢?

4. The second person treats it as a question about shape. treat sth. / sb as…; 把……当成……; 例如: They treated me as a guest. 他们把我当客人看待. I do not like to be treated as a patient. 我不喜欢把我当成病人对待. 下面的词组都可以表示 “把……当成……” have … as…; regard … as … ; think of … as … ; look on … as… ; consider … to be … .

5. The first person is angry about something and wants to say “Why is this here?” be angry with sb. 对某人生气; be angry about / for sth. 因为某事而生气; be angry with sb. about sth. 因某事而生某人的气; 例如: I was angry with myself for making such stupid mistake. 我因为犯了这么愚蠢的错误而生自己的气. What are you angry about? 你生什么气呀?

6. Have you got any chicken leg? No, sir, I always walk this way. ---你有鸡腿吗? ---不, 先生, 我可一直是这样走路的呀! (服务员以为顾客讥笑他走路的方式)

7. What’s wrong with these eggs? Don’t ask me, sir. I only lay the table. You can ask the hen that laid the eggs. ---这些鸡蛋是怎么回事? (鸡蛋坏了) ---别问我, 先生, 我只是摆了餐具. 你去问那些下蛋的母鸡吧. 1). lay vt. (laid; laid) 放置, 摆放, put plates , knives, forks on a table for a meal. lay a table. 下蛋, 产卵, produce an egg lay an egg. 例如: Last week the hen laid 6 eggs. 上周这只母鸡下了六个蛋. Mother laid her baby down on the bed gently. 妈妈轻轻地把孩子放在床上. A new bridge has been laid. 一座新桥已经建成了. 试比较: lie 说谎 (lied; lied) ; lie 躺; 位于 (lay; lain) 例如: The boy lying on the ground lied that he had laid the watch on the table. 躺在地上的那个男孩谎称他把手表放在桌子上了. The book lay open on the table . 书打开了放在桌子上.

8. how did you find the fish, madam? Quite by accident. I moved a few peas and there it was. ---太太, 你觉得这鱼怎么样? (你是怎么找到这条鱼的?) ---完全是偶然, 我仅仅挪动了几颗青豆就发现了. by accident 偶然; 意外地. = by chance . 其反义词组为 on purpose 故意; 有意识地. 例如: We met by accident. 我们意外相遇了. Columbus discovered America purely by accident. 哥伦布发现美洲大陆纯属偶然. You would not cut yourself on purpose, but you might cut yourself by accident. So do not play with a knife. 你也许不会故意地去割伤自己的手, 但可能无意中会割伤自己的手的. 所以别再玩刀子了.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 18

Lesson 70

1. Hank Stram was on vacation travelling through Europe by train with his two children, Tina and Max. 汉克. 斯特拉姆带着他的两个孩子----蒂娜和马克斯----外出度假, 乘火车作穿越欧洲的旅行. holiday一两天的短假期, 较长的假期用holidays或a holiday; vacation大学的假期(英), 美国英语中指较长时间的休假. 例如: We’ve got a holiday next month. 下个月我们休假. I had to work on bank holiday Saturday. 星期六公休可我总得上班. 下面的词组中不用冠词, 不用复数. three weeks’ holiday ; on holiday / on vacation在度假.

2. I’m just going down to the dinning car to get a coffee. 我要去餐厅喝杯咖啡. coffee 不可数名词. 口语中a coffee = a cup of coffee 一份 / 杯咖啡;

3. Soon he got talking to another person who happened to be American, too. 不久他跟另外一个人谈起话来, 这个人碰巧也是个美国人. get doing sth. = start doing sth. 开始干某事, 例如: We got chatting and discovered we had been at college together. 我们聊了起来, 结果发现我们还是大学同学. It’s eight o’clock, let’s getting working. 已经八点钟了, 我们干活吧. get sb./ sth. doing 使某人 / 某事……. 例如: With the help of the engineer, we soon got the machine going well. 在工程师的帮助下我们很快就使机器正常运转了. happen to + v

碰巧……. 例如: She happened to have just finished reading the book. 碰巧她刚读过那本书. I happened to be standing next to her when she fell. 她摔倒时我碰巧就在她身旁.

4. They found that they had a lot in common and got on well. 他们俩发现有许多共同之处, 于是谈得很投机. in common with…与……有共同处. 例如: Their views have much in common with mine. 他们的观点与我的观点有许多共同之处. Kate and I have one thing in common---- we like the movies. 凯特与我有一个共同点; 我们喜欢看电影. In common with many people, he enjoys classical music. 和许多人一样, 他喜欢古典音乐. in common 共有; 公用. 例如: The teachers in our group have the books and dictionaries in common. 我们组里的老师们共用这些书籍和词典. My brother and I have the computer in common.

5. Finally Hank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States. 最后汉克跟他的朋友互相交换了地址, 答应回到美国后再行联系. get in touch with与……取得联系; lose touch with与……失去联系; keep in touch with 与……保持联系; 例句: We have got in touch with each other by telephone. 我们已经打电话联系上了. We have made many foreign friends but we have lost touch with one third of them. 我们交了好多外国朋友, 但与他们中三分之一的人已失去了联系.

6. … his children had not worried about their father’s absence. 他的孩子们并不因为父亲不在而忧虑. absent adj. 不在; 缺席. absent from school / work 未到校/未上班; absent on business 因事缺勤; absent with leave 请假缺席; absent without leave 无故缺席; absent-minded 心不在焉的; 健忘的. 例如: He became absent-minded with age. 因为上了年纪, 他变得丢三拉四的. absent的名词形式为: absence .

7. They know, or rather thought that their father was on the same train. 他们知道, 或者说他们

认为他们的爸爸在同一列火车上. or rather或者; 更确切地说. 当我们想要纠正已经说


过的话, 或欲使已说过的话更加准确, 我们常用or rather这一表达方式. 例如: He is a writer, or rather a novelist. 他是个作家, 更准确地说, 是一位小说家. He worked till late last night, or rather, early this morning. 他昨晚一直工作到深夜, 更确切地说今天凌晨.

8. I’m going to see what Dad is up to. 我要去看看爸爸在干什么. be up to…在干(某事); 从事于……; 忙于……; 例如: What is he up to now? 他现在在干什么呢? Go and see what these girls are up to. 去看看女孩子们在干什么来着. be up to有时有 “密谋干坏事” 之意. 例如: He is up to no good. 他干尽坏事. Don’t trust him, he is up to some tricks. 别相信他, 他在捣鬼. be up to胜任…… 例如: He is not up to his work. 他不胜任他的工作. The product is up to standard. 产品的质量符合标准. 句型 It is up to sb. to do sth. 由某人负责做某事. 例如: It is up to you to decide whether to go or stay. 由你决定走还是留下来. It is up to me to get the four of us moving. 由某我负责来让我们四个人行动了.

9. You are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you. 你们去旅馆, 房间已经给你们订好了. be + 动词不定式是表示将来时的结构. 用于第二人称时, 常有转达别人指示的意味. 例如: Mother says you are to wait here until she comes. 妈妈要你在这儿一直等到她来. be + 动词不定式表示命令或指示, 常用于第三人称. 例如: “She is to be back before 11 o’clock.” said the manager. 经理说: “她必须在十一点钟之前回来.” The room is to be locked. 房间一定要锁好. be + 动词不定式表示 “计划或安排” 做某事. 例如: They are to go travelling in August. 他们计划八月份去旅行. The train for Wuhan is to start at 10:20. 去武汉的火车十点二十分开出. book vt. 订(票; 座位; 房间) 例如: He has booked three seats on the plane. 他已订了三张机票. I have booked a room on the fourth floor. 我在四楼订了一个房间.

10. The hotel paid the taxi driver and put the charge on their hotel bill. 饭店方面给出租车司机付了车费, 并把这笔钱记到了帐单上. charge 收费; 例如: What’s the charge for a room? 一间房间收费多少? The charge for the taxi will be increased next month. 出租车车费下个月要涨价. charge vt. 收(费); 索(价); 例如: How much do you charge for a haircut? 理一次发要多少钱? The hotel charged me 100 yuan for a room for the night. 在那家大酒店住了一夜花了我100元钱.

11. At around a quarter past eleven their father turned up. 大约在11点一刻他们的父亲到了. turn up (突然, 出乎意料地) 出现, 露面; 被找到; 出席; 来(开会, 赴约). 例如: He is still waiting for something to turn up. 他们在期待着某种机会的出现. They were very glad I turned up so early. 他们很高兴我来得早. They are 150 people to turn up for the conference. 将有150 人出席这次会议.

12. way n. 方法; 方式. 前面用in , way 前面有this , that 或形容词性物主代词时, 介词in

可以省略. 例如: He always speaks in a careless way . 他说起话来总是漫不经心的. I do

think you are putting it together in the wrong way. 我认为你把它组装错了. You should do it

in his way. 你应该用他的方式去做这件事. way 做 “方法; 方式”讲时后跟动词不定式

或of 短语(of + 动名词; 不接名词) 如果后面是名词用means of 来代替 way of ; 例如:

Man is trying to find ways to stop pollution. 人类正在努力寻找制止污染的办法. There is

no way to prove he was stealing money. 无法证明他在偷钱. There is no way of getting in

touch with her. 无法与她取得联系. I have tried all possible means of communication. 我

已用了一切可能的联系办法. (不能说ways of communication)


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 18

Lesson 71

1. I was cycling along a street in a rush hour on my way to the interview. 我在交通的高峰时间在街上骑着自行车去面试. rush hour the period of heavy traffic in the morning and evening when everyone is travelling to work or leaving work 早晚人们上下班的拥挤时刻; rush vi / n. 冲; 奔; 抢购潮. 例如: The boy rushed into the room. 那个男孩冲进了房子. During the Christmas rush / the Spring Festival rush, all of the stores are crowded with shoppers. 在圣诞节前 / 春节前的抢购潮中, 所有的商店里都挤满了买东西的人. the rush season for shopping 购物旺季; the slack season for shopping 购物淡季; the rush of city life紧张的都市生活; a gold rush淘金热.

2. …as there was another car coming in the other direction. 因为对面正好有另一辆车开过来了. in the other direction在……的对面方向.

3. I was still so angry (that) I was determined to tell him what I thought of him. 我仍然满腔怒火, 便决定把我对他的看法告诉他. 1). so … that …引导结果状语从句. 在口语中that 可以省略. 例如: The story was so funny (that) it made all of us laugh. 这个故事太滑稽了,逗得我们捧腹大笑. I’m so busy with my work (that) I have no time to write a letter. 我非常忙以致连写封信的时间都没有. 2). be determined to do sth. 决定做某事; 例如: His brother was determined to give us some advice on English learning. = His brother was determined that he should give us some advice on English learning. 他的兄长决定给我们提一些关于英语学习的建议. All the students in our class are determined to learn English well. 我们班每位同学都决心学好英语. determine vt决定 例如: We determined to finish the work ahead of time. 我们决定提前完成工作. Did he determine on an early start? 他决定早点动身了吗? *** determine / be determined that后接宾语从句时, 从句用虚拟语气. (should) + 动词原形.; 3). tell him what I thought of him (含有贬义, 瞧不起)告诉他我对他的看法; 正面表达为tell him what I like / admire about him 例如: I want to tell him that I admire him for what he has done. 我想告诉他我对他所做的事很钦佩.

4. His face was bright red. 他满脸通红. bright red鲜红; light red淡红; dark red深红色; light blue淡兰; light green淡绿色; dark green墨绿色; blue green青绿色; green yellow亮黄色.

5. The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could. 面试进行得很顺利. 我向公司谈了我的经历, 尽可能老老实实地回答了他们的提问. 1). experience经验 (不可数名词); experiences经历 (可数名词). vt. 经历; 体验. 例如: He has had a lot of teaching experience. 他有着丰富的教学经验. He talked about the interesting experiences that they had on the trip. 他谈起了他们在旅途中所经历过的有趣的事情. I experienced a lot of difficulties. 我经历过许多困难. 2). interview vt./ n. 面试; 采访; 会面. 例如: The matter can not be discussed except at a personal interview. 这件事只能在面谈时讨论. When will you give me an interview? 你什么时候接见我呢? He was interviewed by reporters about his success. 记者们就他所取得的成功采访了他.
