Unit 8 A person of great determination

发布时间:2016-3-17 编辑:互联网 手机版



 1)unless, do(vi. ), towards

 2)argue about, apologize for, shout at sb, ahead of, the rest of…, in that case, burst into, but for…, on the point of…, take charge, so long as, upon one's word

 3)leave sb. doing sth.




 1)Revise the verb tense (the past continuous, the past indefinite, the past perfect)

 2)The passive voice


 Learn to say apologies, regrets and responses.


 Write a letter of apology.


 1,We fixed it. 我们已经确定好了。




fix 为及物动词,有多种含义:

 1)相当于repair, 作"安装、修理"解。如:

 Can you fix TV set? 你能修理电视机吗?我们常说的"钉钉子","固定东西"都是用 fix。

 2)fix 可以引申为"确定",后面常带的宾语是 a day, the price, the date 等等。如:

 Let's fix a day. Would Saturday night suit you?


 They haven't fixed the date for the interview. 他们还没有定好采访的日期。

 You should first fix the rent. 你应该先定好租金。

 3) fix的过去分词还可用来作表语或定语。如:

 Basic prices are low and fixed. 基础价很低而且是确定的。

 The date fixed for the meeting was June 会议的日期定在六月三日。

 4)fix one's eyes on 意思是"使(眼睛、注意力等)盯住,专注于……"。如:

 She fixed her eyes on the envelope. 她注视着那个信封。

 He fixed his attention on listening to the morning news. 他专注地收听早间新闻。

 2,We said we'd check with each other. 我们说过要确认的。

 check with 的意思是"核对"。又如:

 I want to check with Ames before I sign the papers. 签文件之前我想与 Ames 核对一下。

 He checked his answers with those at the back of the book.


 3,You don't keep your word. 你不守信用。

 keep one's word. 守信。

 break one's word 食言。

 Kate, you must keep your word! 凯特,你得遵守诺言呀!

 I'll keep my word, I'll tell him everything.


 If you break your word, he will never trust you again.


 I am not a man to break my work. 我说话算数。

 含有 word 的固定词组有:

 a man of one's word说话算话的人

 as good as one's word信守诺言,说话算数

 eat one's words收回自己的话,承认自己说错话

 have a word/ a few words with sb.和某人说几句话

 have words (with sb.)(和某人)争吵等。如:

 I am a man of my word. If I say I will do a thing I will do it.


 We knew she was always as good as her word, so we trusted her.


 He said that no one could beat him at tennis, but he had to eat his words after losing   several games. 他曾说没有人打网球能胜过他,但输了几场比赛后他只得承认自己说错了。

 I should like to have a word with you. 我想和你谈句话。

 Jack had words with his girlfriend last night. She said she never wanted to see him again.


 4,You just don't consider anyone but yourself.


 句中的but是介词,作"除去"、"除开"(= except)解。多与nobody、nothing、no one等词连用,but后应接人称代词的宾格。

 No one can do it but Tom. 除了汤姆别人都干不了这件事。

 His failure was a surprise to no one but himself.


 She doesn't believe anyone but herself. 她只相信自己,不信别人。


 介词 but与 except同义,意为"除……之外" (not including),常放在any, every, no以及含有这些词的复合不定代词如anybody, anyone, anything , anywhere, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, nobody, nothing, nowhere和 no one, none, all 等词后。例如:

 Nobody but Li Lei knew something about the result of the discussion.


 He has nothing in the handbag but a copy of dictionary.


 but 几乎是唯一可接带to的动词不定式作宾语的介词。注意;当句中的主要动词是属于 to do一类动词时,则 but后面用不带 to的不定式,即:"介词but前有个do,后面动词不定式不带to;介词but前没有do,后面的动词不定式带to"。例如:

 I couldn't do anything but sit there and hope.


 Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.


 5,I apologize for being so angry with you.

 I apologize for sth./doing sth.. 和 I'm sorry to do/ to have done sth. 都是表示道歉或遗憾的交际用语,因为我们常常会有考虑不周到的时候,所以也难免要向人道歉。


 That's OK/all right;

 Never mind;

 That's nothing 等等。如:

 A: I apologize for being so rude to you.

 (or I'm sorry to be/to have been so rude to you.) 我对你那么粗鲁,向你道歉/真对不起。

 B: That's OK/all right.没有关系。

 6,I didn't mean to be so rude. 我并不是有意那么粗鲁的。

 1)mean 在这里面是"有……的意思;打算"的意思。常用于"mean to do"结构中,意为"打算干某事"。比如:

 I mean to work harder next time. 下次我一定要更加努力。

 I don't mean to disappoint you, but I must tell you the truth.


 2)在"mean sth/doing 从句"结构中,mean 表示"意味着;意思是"。如:

 I have no idea what this means.我不知道这个词是什么意思。

 Missing the train means waiting for an hour. 错过了火车就意味着要等一个小时。

 7,Many years ago I walked into a bookstore in Cincinnati in search of some books that I wanted.


 in search of 是"寻找"的意思。在句子中,In search of some books 作状语,表示"去书店"的目的。如:

 They started off at once in search of the missing girl.


 The boys went out in search of something to eat. 男孩子们出去找吃的东西。

 8,All the other boys have geography books and they will be ahead of me if I don't get one.

 be ahead of 在此处的意思是"比……高、优于、超过",相当于英语中的 be better than,如:

 We are well ahead of all the other teams at present.目前我们远远胜过其他各队。

 另外,ahead of 还可以作"比……早"、"在……的前面"解,常用作状语。如:

 She left one day ahead of us. 她比我们早一天离开。

 He was sure there was a great future ahead of me. 他确信我前程远大。

 9,It'll do just as well.= The old book will be just as useful as the new ones.

 do在这里的意思是 be fit or able to be used for a purpose. 适合、可用、行、可以,是不及物动词。又如:

 That will do. (=That's enough. ) 那行。

 It will do if you let me know in an hour or so. 一小时左右让我知道即可。

 It won't do to let a child always have its own way. 让小孩自行其是是不行的。

 How would it do for me to write to him? 要我给他写信怎么行?

 If you don't have a TV set, a radio will do. 如果你没有电视机,收音机也凑合。

 You may go there by bicycle or by bus. Either way will do.


 10,For one moment I thought he was going to burst into tears.


 burst (vi. )原意为爆裂,胀破 (=to break because of force inside)。如:

 He watched the bombs bursting in the air. 他观看炸弹在空中爆炸。

 The greedy boy ate till he almost burst. 贪婪的小孩吃到几乎肚皮胀破。

 I put too much air into the bicycle tyre and it burst.



burst (vi. )引申意为突发性的动作,作"突然发生"、"突然发作"的意思。如:

 burst into tears 突然大哭

 burst into laughter 捧腹大笑

 burst into thunderous applause爆发出雷鸣般掌声

 burst out laughing捧腹大笑

 burst with anger/excitement勃然大怒;突然激动

 burst into the room闯入房间

 11,…the ship would have sunk with all on board but for the efforts of the captain.


 短语介词but for相当于without,意为"如果不是……",but for短语相当于一个虚拟条件句,因此句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。如:

 I would not have succeeded but for your help. (=If I hadn't had your help, I wouldn't have succeeded.)要不是你的帮助我不会成功。

 But for the rain we should have had a pleasant journey. (=If it hadn't been the rain we  should have had a pleasant journey. )如果不下雨,我们就会有令人愉快的旅行。

 But for your coming, I should have been very lonely. (=If you hadn't come, I should have been very lonely. )如果你不来,我就会很孤独。

 12,But after pumping for one whole night, they were losing the battle against the rising water and were on the point of giving up.


 be on the point of 表示"正要(去做某事)"意思,相当于 be about to do sth. 注意 be on the point of 后面要跟名词或动名词。如:

 I was just on the point of going when you came in.我正要出去,这时你进来了。

 We were on the point of telephoning you when your telegram arrived.



 1,in the end 与 finally, at last


 finally 有两个用法:一是在列举事物或论点时,可用来引出最后一项内容,二是用在句中动词前面,表示"等了好久才……"。如:

 We waited and waited, and the train finally arrived. 我们等了又等,火车终于来了。

 at last 也可以用来表示"等候或耽误了很多时间之后才……",语气比较强烈,例如:

 At last the work was done and he could rest. 最后,工作完成了,他可以休息了。

 in the end 表示经过许多变化,困难和捉摸不定的情况以后,某事才发生。in the end 相当于 at last 的用法和 finally 的第二用法。如:

 When a piece of ice is taken into a warm room, it becomes smaller and smaller, until in the  end it disappears completely. 一块冰拿进暖和的房间后,它会变得越来越小,直到最后完全消融。

 2,nearly 和 almost 的区别

 1)almost 和 nearly 在用法上既有相同之处,也有不同点。在单纯表示"时间、程度、进度"时,almost  =nearly。例如:

 The building is almost completed.

 The building is nearly completed.



 The river is nearly 100 metres wide.


 The old man is nearly 80 years old.


 3)almost 可与no, nothing, none, never等连用,此时不能用 nearly 代替。例如:

 Almost no one believed him.


 There's almost none left. 几乎一个没剩。

 What he said was almost nothing worth listening to. 他所说的话几乎没有价值。

 3,turn to用法小结

 1)turn to在本课意为"(使)变?quot;,相当于change to,to为介词。如:

 Blue turns to green when you mix it with yellow.


 The snow turned to rain as we got further down the mountain.


 Where can I turn these pounds to dollars?


 The funny dry little stick turned to a beautiful bush after only a season's growth. 一根丑陋的小树枝经过一季度时间就长成了挺好看的一株灌木。

 2)turn to还有"求助于"之意。如:

 One can always turn to music for comfort.


 Don't hesitate to turn to me if you are in difficulty.


 She had no one to turn to for advice.


 She didn't know whom to turn to for advice.


 3)turn to亦可作"转到"、"转向"、"朝向"解释。如:

 After he left the university, he became a teacher, but later he turned to journalism.


 Now let's turn to another aspect of the problem.


 The conversation turned to the changes that had taken place in the village.


 Rudely, he turned his back to me and refused to say the further.


 4)turn to还有"翻到(页、图等)"之意

 We'll turn back to P102 and start again from there.


 Please turn to the picture on page 50.



 turn on打开

 turn up把(收音机等)开大些,出现,来(开会,赴约等)

 turn down把(收音机等)关小一点

 turn off关闭

 turn in上交、交出

 turn into变成

 turn over翻转,翻滚

【语法-while 用法小结】

 1,while作连词用,意为"只要",相当于 as long as,引导条件状语从句。如:

 While there is life there is hope.


 While you keep it clean, I can lend the book to you.


 It doesn't matter what you do while you are happy.


 2,while 可表示对比关系。如:

 Jane was dressed in brown while Mary was in blue.


 You like sports while I would rather read.


 While their country has plenty of oil ours has none.


 3,while表示让步,相当于 though 或 although。如:

 While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you.


 While I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree that they can't be solved. 虽然 我承认这些问题很难,我并不同意我们无法解决。

 While they are my neighbours, I do not know them well.



 Never get on or off the bus while it is moving.


 He fell asleep while (he was) studying his grammar book.


 She listened closely while he read.



 例1,----Nancy is not coming again.

    ----But she ______ !            (98年高考题)



 C.will promise

 D.had promised


 【解析】本题考查动词时态。一般过去时通常要与表示过去的时间状语连用,但有时时间状语可以省去或隐含,需从上下文的语景中推测。如:I did not know they cost so much. (Lesson 30)很显然,这是在知道价格后说的。"不知道"是已过去的事,尽管没有表示过去的时间状语,仍然用一般过去时。


 例2,--I'm going to the post office.

    --_____________ you're there, can you get me some stamps? (全国99年高考题)

 A. As

 B. While

 C. Because

 D. If

