初三Unit 8 重难点解析

发布时间:2016-8-23 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. Q: To be here at Christmas time is a dream that has come true. 请分析一下本句的结构。

A:本句是一个主从复合句。句中To be here at Christmas time是动词不定式作主语,is a dream是系表结构,that 引导的是定语从句,修饰dream。关于定语从句会在17单元学到。

2. Q: Some people even put up stocking for their pets as well. 句中as well表示"也"与其它几种表达方式有什么异同?

A: 汉语的"也"英语可用too, also, as well和either表示,其区别是:too是普通用词,常置于句子末尾且用逗号与句子隔开;also是比较正式的用语,它一般位于be动词、情态动词、助动词等之后,行为动词之前;as well用法与too相同,通常位于句尾,但前面一般不用逗号; either表示"也"时,一般只用于否定句中,且置于句子末尾,用逗号与句子隔开。试比较:

I would like to go fishing on Sunday, too.

He has also been to the top of Mount Tai.

He is a teacher, and a writer as well.=He is a teacher, and he is a writer, too.

The students didn't work out the problem. The teacher didn't, either.

3. Q: Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, ... even though引导什么从句?

A: even though作为连词,意为"虽然......;尽管......",引导让步状语从句。如:

Even though he is poor, she still loves him.

4. Q: It is said that ... she was to have this special boy. 句中was to have是什么结构?

A: "be to + 动词不定式"这种结构常用来表示按计划安排将要发生的事情,是将来时态的另一表达形式。如:

They are to arrive in Beijing at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

The new shop is not to be opened untill next week.