Unit 7 Canada 语言要点

发布时间:2017-11-11 编辑:互联网 手机版

Useful expressions


Lesson 25

1. Where are you from? I'm from Canada.

▲ From此处作“来自﹍﹍,从﹍﹍来”。例:

I got home from work on Monday at half past five.星期一我五点半下班回家。

Light comes from the sun.光来自太阳。

▲ from有很多意思和用法,常见用法有:

▲ 表示“离﹍﹍(有多远)”

It's one mile and a half from here to the town.从这儿到镇上有一英里半。

Far from eye, far from heart. 眼不见,心不烦。

▲ 表示“由于﹍﹍”

The little girl was shivering from cold.这小女孩冷得发抖。

We were all weak from hunger.我们都因饥饿而虚弱不堪。

▲ 表示“不让﹍﹍知道”

She was keeping something from him.她有事瞒着他。

Keep the bad news from the sick mother.别让生病的母亲知道这坏消息。

▲ 表示地点时,常与副词或介词短语连用

Then I heard them calling me from above.随后我听到他们从上面喊我。

A carriage came along from behind me.一辆马车从我身后驶了过来。

The door was suddenly opened from within.门突然从里面开启了。

Then I took my watch from under the pillow.接着我从枕头下取出了手表。

▲ 与某些动词连用时表示来源、起因。例如:come,copy,judge,result,suffer,translate等。

His illness resulted from bad food.他的病起因于饮食不良。

Smoke and flames came from the burning house.烟和火从那间着火的房子里往外冒。

At first his book was translated from Russian to English.这本书开始是从俄文译成英文的。

Judging from what you said,he ought to succeed.据你所说,他应获得成功。

▲ 表示时间时,有时可取代since,引导时间状语主句用现在进行时或现在完成时。

I have known him from a child.(since childhood)我从小时侯开始就认识他了。

We have been working from early morning.我们从一清早就一直在干活。

▲ 在有关时间的场合,用from…to或from…till都可以,但在有关数词的场合,只能用from…to,不能用from…till。例:

I worked from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.我从早上8点干到下午5点。

I worked from morning till/to night.我从早干到晚。

2.Really?I thought you were from the States.真的吗?我还以为你从美国来的呢?

That's not surprising. A lot of the people can't tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent. 那不奇怪,很多人不能区别美国口音和加拿大口音。

▲ think表示“认为”,此句用过去时态,表示过去这么认为,而现在说话时已不那么认为了,故谓语动词要用过去式。例:

So you haven't been to the Great Wall;I thought you had been there.这么说你没去过长城,我还以为你去过那儿呢!

Hello,Tom.I didn't know you were here.你好,汤姆,我不知道你也在这儿。


I had thought that he would come before seven o'clock.我原以为他会十一点以前来的。

They had wanted to help but couldn't get there in time.他们本想帮忙,却没能及时赶到那儿。

I had expected that he would pass the exam,but he didn't.我原指望他能通过考试,但他没有。

▲ tell此处意为“区别”“分辨”常与 can,could,be able to连用。例:

Can you tell her from her twin sister?你能区分她和她的孪生姐姐吗?

I can't tell which is which.我分不清哪个是哪个。

It was difficult to tell the two girls apart.很难分辨出这两个女孩。

Some people can't tell red from green,as there is a fault in their eyes.


3.Are there many differences?

No,just a few.For example,most Canadians say news/nju:z/,but Americans say /nu:z/.We mainly use American words,but we use quite a lotof British words too.We fill our cars with”gas”,which is American,but we turn on the “tap”,which is British English.

有很多不同吗?不,不多。例如,大多数加拿大人说消息new/nju:z/,但美国人说/nu:z/。我们主要用美国词,但也用很多英国词,我们在汽车里加”gas” (汽油),这是美国英语,但我们开“tap”(水龙头),这是英国英语。

▲ few的本意是少,是否定词,用来修饰可数名词,a few表示“有一些”,only a few表示很少,quite a few表示“相当多”数量比a few要多 ,not a few也作“不少”或“相当多”解释。例:

Few people can speak a foreign language perfectly.很少有人外语说得很地道。

His theory is very difficult,but a few people understand it.他的理论很高深,但是有些人懂。

Only a few people are perfectly bilingual.只有极少数人精通两种语言。

Not a few of my friends are vegetarian.我有不少朋友只吃素食。

I have made quite a few friends since I came here.自从我到这儿以来,我交了不少朋友。

▲ fill…with意为“灌满,装满”,此处fill为及物动词,with意为“用” 即“用……装满”.例:

The boy filled his pockets with food.这男孩将吃的东西装满了口袋。

The news filled her heart with hope.这消息是她心中充满了希望。

Go and fill me this bucket with water.去给我把这桶装满水。

▲ 也可用be filled with表示状态。例:

▲ Her eyes were filled with tears.她泪水盈眶。

4.Oh!And do you use American or British spelling?噢!你们用美国拼法还是英国拼法?

Both!American spelling are used more and more in Canada now.Generally speaking,newspapers follow the Americanwaybut conference reportsand school books use British spelling..


▲ generally speaking意为“一般来说”是一分词短语,用来表示说话者的语气或态度,类似的还有strictly speaking,严格地说judging by从……判断等。例:

Strictly speaking,the word is not suitable here. 严格地说,这个词用在这儿不合适。

Judging by the number of copies sold the book is a great success.从卖出的册数来看,这本书是极成功的。

Frankly speaking,I don't like the book.坦率地说,我不喜欢这本书。

Judging from her face,shemust be ill.从脸色看,她一定是病了。


5.That sounds strange.那听起来很奇怪。

You mean it looks sttrange! I'll tell you something that does sound interesting.


▲ 此处look和sound都是连系动词,连系动词大致可以分为三类:第一类包括一些表示状态或性质的词,如 be,seem,appear,keep,remain等; 第二类包括一些表示感觉的词,如look, sound ,smell, taste, feel等; 第三类包括一些表示变化的词,如become,grow,get,go,turn等,后面一般都接形容词作表语。例:

His English remained very poor.他的英语仍很差。

The song sounds beautiful.那歌听起来很好听。

The fish tastes delicious.那鱼很好吃。

The meat has gone bad.肉变质了。

The leaves turn yellow when autumn comes. 秋天来了,树叶变黄了。

Her face grew red at the remark.听到这话,她脸红了。

6.Many people think that Canadians all over the country speak the same way.


▲ way意为“方法”,其前的介词in常可省略。例:

Do it any way you like.你爱这么干就怎么干。

I think you are putting it together( in) the wrong way.我认为你把它装错了。

Please do not talk (in) that way.请不要以那种方式讲话。

▲ 当way后面跟有定语从句时,常用that代替 in which,而且that也可省略,例:

I liked the way (that) she organized the meeting.我喜欢她组织会议的方法。

The way(that)you are doing it is completely crazy.你这么个干法,简直是疯了。

▲ way 后面可跟不定式作定语,也可跟of+ing结构作定语,两者没有重要的区别。例:

There is no way to prove he was stealing money. = There is no way of proving he was stealing money.


【注】way of一般不用于名词前,可用by means of来代替。

Can you think of any way of getting in touch with her?你能想出什么办法来跟她取得联系吗?

I have tried all possible means of communication.我已用了一切可能的联系方法。

7.But if you go to the eastern provinces,or go to some country areas,you will notice that the people there speak quite differently from the rest of Canada.但是,假如你去东部的省份,或去某些乡村地区,你将会发现那里的人跟加拿大其他地方的人说得话完全不同。

▲ differently 是different的副词形式,表示“区别”“不同”,后面常接介词。例:

A solid is different from a liquid is that the solid has a definite shape.固体和液体不同点在于固体有一定的形状。

The two brothers are very different from each other.这兄弟俩一点也不像。

The two words sound the same,but they are spelt differently from each other.这两个词发音相同,但拼写不同。

【注】形容词different后也接介词to 和than,其意思和from相同。例:

Her jacket is a bit different to mine.她的外套与我的有点不同。

How different things seem now than yesterday!现在的各种事情看起来和过去多么不同啊!

【注】有时different than后面可接从句,这时,than不可改成 from或 to。例:

Times are different than they used to be.现今的时代不同于以往。

They are not different from us.他们和我们不同。

【注】在口语中different from有时可接疑问词引起的从句,在这种情况下,from不宜改成than或to。例:

Certainly I could not help being different from when I left the university.的确,我和当年离开校园时迥然不同是不可避免的。

▲ the rest 意为“其余的” rest是形容词,故即使其代表复数也不能加-s,但其做主语时,谓语动词根据其代表的内容决定是用单数还是复数。例:

The rest of his life was very happy.他的晚年很幸福。

Some agree with Jim but the rest of us agree with Sam.有些人赞成Jim,但其余的人都赞成Sam.

Lesson 26

1. Canada is the second largest country in the world.加拿大是世界第二大国。


The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二大河。

Hainai is the second largest island in China.海南是中国第二大岛屿。

Tom is the third tallest student in the class.Who are the first and second tallest ones?


2. It is larger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth.


▲reach在这里是不及物动词,意为“延伸”,相当于 extend。例:

The park reaches as far as the river.这座公园一直连到江边。

How far does the new road reach?这条新公路多长?

The summer vacation reaches into the middle August.暑假一直放到八月中旬。

They saw nothing but houses as far as the eye could reach.人们极目远望,除了房子以外什么也看不到。


This is the conclusion they reached.这就是他们得出的结论。

Her voice was strong enough to reach everyone in the hall.


I'm not tall enough to reach that apple on the tree.


She reached her son a piece of bread.她递给她儿子一片面包。

3.The distance from east to west is over 5500 kilometers and the country covers six of the world's 24 time areas.从东到西的距离为5500多公里,加拿大的国土跨过全世界24个时区中的6个。


The city covers an area of ten square miles.该城面积为10 平方英里。

China stretches across vast area covering the cold, temperate and tropical zones.


His burnt area covered 30 percent of his body surface. 他的烧伤面积达到全身的30%。

▲ Cover在本册14课中作“采访”解释。例:

They sent a great many reporters to cover the conference.他们派了大批记者去报道大会的消息。

▲ 复习动词Cover的几种常见意思和用法。

They covered the distance to the place at a run.他们一路小跑赶到了那个地方。

---Do you have enough to cover all your household expenses?你的收入够家用吗?

---Oh,yes,enough and to spare.够,还有得多。

Snow covered the ground.雪覆盖着大地。

The walls were covered with white paper.墙上都糊着白纸。

The talks are expected to cover other topics too.会谈估计还会涉及别的问题。

Their planes covered their tanks which were attacking the enemy.他们的坦克向敌人进攻时由飞机掩护。

4.The population of Canada is about 29million and the captial is Ottawa.There are two official languages, French and English. 加拿大人口是二千九百万,首都是渥太华,有两种官方语言,法语和英语。

▲ population作“人口”“居民”“群众”解释,是不可数名词。例:

There was a fall in population last year.去年人口下降。

The population in the villages has to get water from a river five miles away.这个村子里的人必须到五英里以外的一条河里打水。

▲ 有时population前可加不定冠词。例:

It had a population of some three hundred families.那里大约有300 户的人口。

【注】说人口的多少不可用many或 few ,要用large 或 small。

The population of the city is very large.这个城市的人口很多。

【注】问“人口多少”用how large或what。例 :

How large is the population of the city?或 What is the population of the city? 这个城市有多少人口?

▲ Official 此处作“官方的,法定的,正式的“解释,是形容词。例:

The news comes from an official source.这则消息来源于官方。

I was the only person in the delegation without an official title. 我当时是代表团中唯一没有官衔的人员。

You have to get official permission to build a new house. 要盖新房你必须得到官方许可。

【注】official 作名词用时指一般政府的文职官员(人员)。例:

a government official政府官员 high officials高级官员

a public official公务员 a civil service official文职官员

【注】与 officia容易产生混淆的是officer,指“军官”或“穿特殊制服的人员”。例:

a police officer警官(警察) superior officers of the army陆军高级军官

Officer Smith will help you,madam.夫人,史密斯警官将会帮助你。

He wished to be an army officer.他希望成为陆军军官。


a press officer新闻发布官 a customs officer海关官员

an officer of state政府部长 cabinet officer内阁官员

5.The first travellers arrived from England in 1497.Settlersfrom France reached Canadian 1534.For two centuries English and French settlers struggled against each other to control the country.第一批旅行者来自英国是1497年到达的。法国来的定居者是1534年来到加拿大的。为了控制这个国家,英国和法国的定居者相互争斗了两个世纪。

▲struggle意为“斗争”,若表示“为反对……而斗争”,struggle后接介词against,若表示“为了争取……而斗争” 则后接介词for。例:

The swimmer struggled against the tide.游泳者奋力与海浪搏斗。

Most animals have to struggle for existence in a dangerous world.大多数动物不得不在一个充满危险的世界里为生存而斗争。

They have been struggling for freedom since last century.他们从上个世纪以来就一直为自由而斗争。

The people struggled together against fascism.人们齐心与法西斯主义作斗争。


They had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties.他们得与各种各样的困难作斗争。

The boy struggled furiously with the man twice his size.那男孩与那个子比他大一倍的人拼命搏斗。


The book is about their struggle for liberation.这本书是有关他们为解放所作的斗争。

He made many struggles to get a good education.他曾为获得良好的教育而顽强地奋斗过。

▲ Control意为“控制,支配”。例:

He tries to control me as if I were his slave.他要支配我,好象我是他的奴隶似的。

She controlled her feelings when she heard the bad news.当她听到噩耗时,她控制住了自己的感情。

6.Today,one province of Canada is French-speaking. The TV and radio programs there are in French. There are French restaurants and all the teaching in schools is done in French.



▲ French-speaking 与spoken French

French-speaking 是一个形容词,而spoken French意为“法语口语”是名词,类似的有:

English-speaking countries讲英语的国家 Spoken English英语口语

written exercises书面练习 peace-loving热爱和平的 labour-saving省力的

▲ 动词do的意思和用法


do washing洗衣服 do cleaning打扫 do reading读书 do sewing做针线

We do some listening twice a week.我们一星期听两次录音。

Did you do some sight-seeing there?在那儿你游览了什么地方没有?

She did most of the talking.大部分时间都是她说。

I can do the translating.我来翻译。

▲ do与表示动作对象的名词连用,意为“打扫,收拾,洗,擦,梳”等。

Who are doing the dishes?谁在洗盘子?

Let's do the vegetables a little longer.菜多煮一会儿。

First I wash my face, then I do my face.我先洗脸,然后刷牙。

▲ Do在口语中,用于表示各种意思。例:

He's done me this time.这回他可把我骗了。

They will certainly do you well.他们一定会好好待你的。

The car does 105 miles an hour.这种车每小时行105英里。

▲ Do可以表示“符合需要”译作“行,合适,够了”。例:

No,that won't do,it's too risky.那不行,太冒险了。

These shoes won't do for mountain-climbing.这种鞋爬山不行。

7.As in China, the weather is different from area to area.和中国的情况一样,那儿各个地区气候都不相同。

▲ As in China是一个省略的方式状语从句,相当于 As it is the case in China,其中as是连词,作“如像,正如”解释。例:

In 1939,as in 1934 there started a terrible killing of man.在1939,正如在1914年那样,开始了一场人类可怕的屠杀。

As in your country, we grow rice in the south and wheat in the north. 和你们国家的情况一样,我们在南方种大米,北方种小麦。

She is a fine singer, as her mother used to be.她是一个很出色的歌唱家,和她母亲当年一样。

You should do the experiments as the teacher does.你必须按老师那样教的去做这些实验。

Just as water is the most important of liquids, so air is the most important of gases.正如水是液体中最重要的液体一样,空气是气体中最重要的气体。

The result of this experiment is good enough as it is.照现在这样,这个实验的结果够不错的了。


Nobody loves you like I do,baby.孩子,谁也没有像我这样疼你。

Don't talk to me like you talk to a child.不要像跟一个孩子讲话那样跟我讲话。

▲ From area to area 意为“从一个地方到另一个地方”或“各个地区”。在from….to结构中,名词都用单数形式。例:

She turned from side to side to see if the dress fitted her.她在镜子前转过来转过去看衣服是否合身。

The bricks were passed from hand to hand.砖头是人们用手传过去的。

8.In the north,the winters are long and hard,with snow for six months of the year.在北方,冬季时间长,而且寒冷,一年中有六个月下雪。

▲ 此处hard是形容词,作“严寒的,酷热的”解释,一般指天气和气侯

We had a long and hard winter last year.去年我们度过了一个漫长而又严寒的冬天。

In the early spring this year,many crops died from a hard frost.今年早春,很多农作物死于霜冻。


It is Mr Brown's house,with a small garden in front of it.这是布朗先生的房子,前面有一个小花园。

Our maths teacher is tall and thin,with a smile on his face.我们的数学老师有高又瘦,脸上总是戴着微笑。

9.The temperature can fall to -60°C, that is 60°C below freezing.气温可降至-60°C,也就是零下-60°C。

▲ 情态动词can在这里不是表示能力,而是表示可能性,含有“有时也可能”之意,是指“一时的特性”。例

Even a wise man can sometimes make mistakes.甚至一个聪明人有时也会犯错误。

Can it be true that she has won the gold medal?她真的获金牌了吗?

Don't throw old newspapers and magazines away.They can be useful sometimes.


It is usually warm in winter in the south,but it can be cold and even have snow sometimes.


▲that is意为“那就是;即”是对上文的解释,相当于namely,or。例:

Tom drove 150 kilometers an hour,that is 300 li.汤姆开车每小时时速150公里,即300市里。

Three students were mentioned, that is John, Mike and Helen.三个学生被提到,即约翰,迈克和海伦。

10.In the capital Ottawa,the average of winter temperature is -10°C and in summer 21°C在首都渥太华,冬季平均气温是-10°,夏季是21°C。

▲ average在此处是名词,意为“平均数,一般水平”。

Tom's maths is above the average in class,but his English is below the average. 汤姆的数学成绩在班平均之上,但他的英语则在班平均之下。

The average of 5,9,10 is 8. 5,9,10的平均数是8.

With the help of the teacher,Mary's physics is now well up to the average.在老师的帮助下,玛丽的物理成绩已达到平均水平。


The average temperature in Shanghai in summer is 32°C.上海夏天的平均气温是32度。

What's the average age of the girls in your class?你们班上女生的平均年龄是多少?

11.The west coast of Canada is the warmest place in winter. The average January temperature is 3°C, and in July it is 18°C.加拿大的西海岸是冬季最暖和的地方。一月份的平均气温是3°C,七月份是18°C.


①The Smiths spent the summer holiday on the north coast of Spain last year.史密斯一家去年夏天在西班牙的北海岸度假。

②Flying along the east coast of China,you can see many islands.沿着中国的东海岸飞行,你可以看到许多岛屿。

③Our school is five miles from the coast.我们学校距海岸5英里。

④Looking down from the plane,we could see the French coast.从飞机上望下看,我们可以看到法国的海岸线。

▲ 比较coast,beach和 shore。

Coast通常指的是海岸线即从远处看到的海岸与陆地的分界线,范围比较广,距离也比较长,常与海防地图,气候有关。如上述例句①②④,以及课文中的句子。 beach 为平坦的海岸部分,有沙或小石子称海滩,适宜于游泳日光浴或停靠小船。而shore 既包括beach,也可指岩石突兀或陡峭的岸边。例:

⑤I like lying on the beach,looking at the blue sea and the white clouds in the blue sky.


⑥Look!The boys are walking on the shore collecting shells.看!男孩子们走在海岸上拾贝壳。

12.Here it rains a lot every month of the year. Plants grow well all the year round and the parks and gardens are famous for their flowers.在这里,每个月都下很多雨。一年四季植物生长良好。这里的公园和花园都以其花卉而闻名。

▲ all the year round是名词词组,意为“一年到头,一年四季”,在句中作时间状语,类似的名词词组有 all day long, all night long, all the time等。

In order to get more money,he had to work all night long.为了得到更多的钱,他不得不整夜地干活。

The nurse sat by the patient all night long.护士整夜守在病人身边。

In my hometown there's plenty of rain all the year round.我的家乡一年四季雨水充足。

▲ be famous for意为“以……而闻名”。例:

Suzhou is famous for its beautiful gardens.苏州由于美丽的花园而闻名。

Charlie Chaplin was internationally famous for his fine acting.查里.卓别林以其出色的演技而世界闻名。

▲请比较be famous as作为……而闻名。例:

The town is famous as a hot-spring resort. 作为一个温泉胜地,这镇子闻名遐迩。

Charlie Chaplin was internationally famous a s a character actor. 查里.卓别林作为一名性格演员而世界闻名。

13.Canada has one third of the world's supply of fresh water.There are five great lakes in the south, and there are many others, especially in the north.加拿大的淡水供应量占全世界的三分之一。这个国家的南部有五个大湖,还有许多别的湖泊,特别是在北方。

▲ Supply在此处为名词,作“供给,供应”解释,是不可数名词。例:

The water supply here is good.这里供水很好。

▲ Supply作“供应品,给养,补给品”解释时是可数名词。例:

Who will be responsible for the expedition's supplies?谁来负责远征队的给养?

Medical supplies were sent to the front immediately.医药用品被立即运往前线。

▲ Supply还可作动词用,表示“供给,提供”,不能接双宾语。如果表示“向某人提供某物”不可说supply sb. sth. 而应该说 supply sb.with sth.或supply sth. to/for sb.例:

The cow supplies us with milk.奶牛给我们提供牛奶。

The peasants supply tons of vegetables to the city each day.农民每天向城市供应成吨的蔬菜。

The government has promised to supply this mountain village with power next year.政府答应明年向这个山村供电。

▲Especially 相当于 above all,意为“尤其,特别,主要”。例:

I don't like bright colours,especially red.我不喜欢鲜艳的颜色,尤其是红色。

This is a very common word,especially in spoken English.这是一个很常用的词,尤其是在英语口语中。

Noise is unpleasant,especially when you are trying to sleep.噪音使人不愉快,尤其是你要入睡时。

I like the country,especially in spring.我喜欢乡村,尤其是在春天。


These shoes were specially made for me.这鞋是专门为我做的。

I came here specially to see you.我特地到这儿来看你。


It's not specially cold today.今天不算特别冷。

I took special trouble over this job.在这件工作上,我可费了特别大的劲。


especially on Sunday特别是在星期日 especially in the north尤其是在北方

especially when we have visitors特别是当我们接待客人时

14.Most of the electricity is produced by water.The country has a great deal of coal,oil and natural gas,and these are all exploited for energy.大部分电是用水力发电。加拿大拥有大量的煤,石油和天然气,这些全部开发作能源。


A mine is exploited for its minerals.开矿是为了取得矿物。

We should exploit the natural resources by our own efforts.我们应该凭自己的力量来开发自然资源。

The oil companies were looking for new oil fields to exploit in East Asia.石油公司正在东亚寻找可开采的新油田。

▲ Exploit也可作“剥削”解释。例:

He became rich by exploiting his workers.他通过剥削工人而致富。

The boss exploited workers by making them work for less pay.老板靠压低劳动者工资的办法来剥削他们。


That will be bad for your health.那将有损于你的健康。

Is that cake for eating or just for looking at?那块蛋糕是吃的还是光让人看的?

An altimeters used for measuring height above sea-level.高度计是用来测量海拔高度的。

15.Much of the country is covered by forests, and wood is cut and sold all over the world.这个国家许多地区为森林所覆盖砍下的木材销售到世界各地。,

▲ be covered by意为“被……所覆盖”,是被动语态,如用主动语态则该句为Forests cover most of the country. “为……所覆盖”还可用be covered with来表示,但这不是被动语态,而是系表结构,注重于事物的状态,可译为“到处都是”。例:

The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.这座山一年到头都被雪覆盖着。

It must have rained last night,for the ground is covered with water.昨晚一定下过雨,因为底上到处都是水。

▲ all over 此处作“遍及”解释。例:

I have travelled all over Europe many many times in my life.我这一生在全欧洲旅行过许多次。

I've looked all over the house.我在这栋房子里找遍了。

He was very well thought of all over the district.他在整个地区得到很高评价。

▲ all over亦可作“全身,到处”解释。例:

He was shivering all over.他全身上下都在发抖。

I looked all over for you before I started.我动身之前到处找你。

▲ all over还有“全完了”之意。例:

“If I'm found,it's all over.”he said.他说,“如果我被发现,那就一切都完了。”

16.Canada is also the world's biggest producer of the kind of paper which is used for newspapers.Fishing is also important for Canadians.Fish from the east and west coasts is sold to many other countries.加拿大还是世界上最大的生产新闻纸的国家,对加拿大来说渔业也是很重要的,从东海岸和西海岸捕的鱼销售到许多其他国家。

▲be used for介词 for在这里相当于as,作“作为”解释,表示“用途”。例:

She decided to use it for gifts.她决定把它作为礼物。

I shall be very glad to have you for a friend.我将非常高兴把你作为我的朋友。

Most of the palaces are used for offices.大多数宫殿现在被用作办公室。

The pupils could use this for their written work.学生们可以把这作为他们的书面作业。

▲for Canadians 此处 for作“对于……”解释。例:

She had a good ear for music.她对音乐很有鉴赏力。

I'm too old for the job.我太老了,不能干这件工作了。

They had considerable respect for Mr Smith.他们对史密斯先生很尊敬。

Fortunately for him,he can swim.很幸运他会游泳。


Lesson 27

1. North American Indians have lived in southern Canada for over 20,000 years.北美印第安人在加拿大南部生活了20000多年。

▲north ,south ,west ,east这类表示方位的词一般作名词。例:

Here in the north it would be bitterly cold when darkness came.天黑的时候北方特别冷。

Canada lies to the north of the United States.加拿大位于美国北边。

York shire is in the north of England.约克郡在英国北部。

▲north,south ,west,east这类词也可作定语。例:

Mexico is in the south of North America.墨西哥位于北美洲的南部。

It is grown in both north and south China.这类植物在华南和华北都种植。


Leaving the city,we headed north.离城后,我们向北走。

Drive north for the next mile.向北驶一英里。

▲ 用于north of 或 south ,west,east of…表示在……北(南,西,东)面。

Boston is north of New York.波士顿在纽约北面。

【注】上句用法相当于to the north(south,west,east)of…

▲ northern,southern,eastern,western是形容词作定语。例:

The northern half of the Earth is called the Northern Hemisphere.地球的北半部分叫做北半球。

He has traveled in northern countries.他在北部一些国家旅游过。

【注】当north 和 northern都作定语时,一般认为比较明确划分的地区,常用 north(south,east,west)这类词作定语,划分不很明确的地区用northern这类词作定语时更多一些。

South Africa南非 Southern England英国南部 The North Pole北极 Northern Europe北欧

East Germany东德 Eastern countries东方国家

2. In the early days,some lived in tents, moved from place to place and hunted wild animals. Others remained in one place and started farms of their own.在早期有些印第安人住帐蓬,到处迁移捕猎野兽;另外一些人定居下来,开办自己的农场。

▲ Days“时代,时期”,既可用单数,也可用复数。例:

He spoke of his student days in Geramny.他说到了他在德国的学生时代。

Its history as a fortress dates back to the days of Richard.它作为一个城堡的历史要追溯到里查德时代。

Marxism is the philosophy of human progress in our day.马克思主义是我们时代人类进步的哲学。

【注】one day,some day,the other day的区别。one day既可指过去,又可指将来。例:

One day last month,I met Mr Smith by chance.

One day rockets may be able to go anywhere in space.

▲ some day只可指将来。例:

We may drive cars that are run by electricity some day.

▲ the other day只能指过去的某天,或不久前的某一天。例:

I came across one of my schoolmates the other day.

The other day we visited the science museum.

▲ Hunt此处作“打猎”解释,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。例:

November is a good time to hunt deer.

The men only hunted,the women did everything else.

▲ Hunt也可作“搜捕”解释。例:

Police are hunting an escaped prisoner in this area.

▲ remain此处作“留下,停留”解释。例:

They'll remain in the countryside till the harvest season is over.

The troops were ordered to remain where they were.

I'll remain to see the end of the match.

▲ Remain的另一个常见用法是作连系动词,意为“仍然(处于某种状态)”。例:

He remained standing though we repeatedly asked him to sit down.

She remained unmarried all her life.

The wind remained low but the cold was intense.

Charles remained a pilot for 20 years.

3.Today many of them live in special areas where they can continue their way of life.今天许多印第安人住在特定的区域里,在那儿他们可以继续保留他们自己的生活方式。

▲ 本句是一个带有定语从句的复合句,以关系副词where引导,修饰先行词areas表示地点,continue此处是行为动词,表示“继续做某事”,后接名词,不定式,动名词均可,并无重大区别。

He continued working as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile I continued my investigation.

He continued his magazine subscription for another year.

▲ Continue可用于被动结构

The story will be continued in next month's issue.

If our present policy is continued,I'm afraid that war is inevitable.

▲ Continue可作连系动词,意为“继续(处于某种状态)”,类似于remain。例:

On my way home,I continued angry with Betty.

He continued silent.

It will continue cold with frost tomorrow morning.

4.The people of northern Canada called Inuit,who came from Asia and settled in Canada about 40000 years ago.加拿大北部的人称为因努伊特人,他们来自亚洲,约在4000年前就定居在加拿大了。

▲ Inuit:a member of a race of people living in the very cold northern areas of North America. 因努伊特人:居住在北美洲北部高寒地区的一支人种。

▲ Settle此处意为“定居,使安居”。例:

You must come and see our new house when we are settled in.

The boys were settled in the dormitory.

The Smiths settled in Boston in 1954.

▲ Settle的另一个常用意思是“解决,调解,决定”。例:

The internal affairs of each country should be settled by its own people.

They have settled the matter among themselves.

Have they settled where to go?

Why can't you settle your differences and be friends again?

▲ Settle可作“支付,结算”解释。例:

Will you settle the bill? I have no more money on me.

All accounts have been settled.

Let's go.I've already settled up with the waiter.

5.They used to travel around from place to place with teams of dogs which pulled their baggage.In summer they hunted a type of deer and in winter built small round houses with blocks of snow.他们以往总是用一群群的狗拉着行李从一个地方转移到另一个地方。夏天他们捕杀一种鹿,冬天他们用雪块建造小小的圆形房子。

▲ Type作名词用时意为“类型,种类,品种”,表示把相似的事物归类编组,比较明确具体地按客观条件划分。例:

the four basictypes of blood四种基本血型 types of world literature 世界文学类别

He invented a new type of telescope.

We are in great need of different types of designs.

There are two types of rock in this area.

There are three types of racing car on display.

【注】kind,sort也作“种类”解释,与 type是同义词,但 sort of 和 kind of 用在非正式文体中听起来不那么肯定,比较含糊,而 type 的分类比较明确,并且 kind of 与 sort of可与不同词类连用,如名词,形容词,动词等。例:

I sort of thought you might forget.

Her eyes are kind of greenish-gold.

Sometimes I wonder whether I should sort of get a job or something.

He was acting sort of crazy.

6.They lived on fish and meat and used to make holes in the ice and catch fish and seals.他们一鱼和肉为主食,常在冰上挖洞,捕捉鱼和海豹。

▲ live on意为“以……为生”,此处on为介词,故需后接宾语。例:

The natives of the island live mostly on fish.

I don't know what he lives on.

Since Smith fell ill,the family has had to live on what Mrs Smith earns.

He should not live like that on his parents.

▲live on中的 on也可以是副词,但这时 live on作“继续活者”解释。例:

He will die,but his fame will live on after him.

The old people died but the young people lived on in the village.

7.They made clothes and shoes from furs and from skins of seals. They made use of animal bones, which they carved into basic tools.他们用兽毛和海豹皮做衣服和鞋子。他们利用兽骨,把兽骨雕成基本工具。

▲ make…from是指“用……制成”, make后的名词是制成品,from 后的名词代表原材料,语序与 make…of一样,而 make…into则相反,make后接的名词代表原材料,into后的名词代表成品,这三个词组经常用被动语态。例:

The boys made a boat out of wood.

Wine is made from rice.

Bamboo can be made into walking sticks,chairs,tables and so on.

▲ make use of 意为“利用”,use在这里是不可数名词,其前可以用形容词修饰。

We should make use of water to produce electricity.

You should make full use of the time and never waste a single moment.

8.There are about 25,000 Inuit in all. They live in settlements. 因努伊特人总共约有25000人。他们定居下来了。

▲in all相当于altogether意为“总共,总的来说”。例:

I visited in all ten hospitals in China.

In all,the French admitted they had 13191 military personnel in Africa.

In all we did very well.

▲ Settlement是可数名词,意为“定居点,住宅区”。例:

They left England and formed settlements in America.

These people lived in the settlements in the suburb of the city.

▲ Settlement作“解决”解释时是不可数名词。例:

After the settlement of our differences, we became friends.

Martin lost the house in their divorce settlement.

▲ settlement作“解决办法”解释时是可数名词。例:

The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.

9.The government started a new project in which Inuit teach their own young children.政府已经开始实施一项兴办学校的新计划,由因努伊特人来教育他们自己的小孩。

▲ started 此处作“发起,开动,使开始”解释,与 begin不能换用。例:

My watch has stopped.I muststart it again.

The smoke started her coughing.

Any such news would start him worrying.

How was the Gulf War started?

▲ start 作“动身,出发”解释时也不能用 began代替。例:

At last the train started.

We'll start at 8 on Saturday morning.

10.School children visited Inuit villages and have classes where they learn how to fish, how to carve bones and how to make clothes. So it is hoped that the way of Inuit life will be kept alive for many more centuries.学校里的儿童参观因努伊特人的村庄,上课时学习如何钓鱼,如何雕刻骨头,如何缝制衣服。这样,人们希望因努伊特人的生活方式将会保存更多世纪。

▲ have classes 意为“上课”,主语既可是老师,也可是学生或其他受教育者。另一个词组 give a class(classes)的主语则是老师,不能是学生或其他人,而 take a class的主语只能是学生或类似的受教育者,不能是老师。

▲ It is hoped that…相当于 People hope that…类似的表达法还有 It is announced that…等等,此类句型在前面的题中均有所涉及。

▲ so在本句中是副词,可表示方式,方法,情况等,意为“这样,那样”。例:

So it goes throughout the nation.此事就这样传遍了全国各地。

His step was light,for his heart was so.他的脚步是轻快的,因为他的心境也是这样。


Language record

In this unit I have learned to say in English:

Useful Expressions:

区分A和B 某些乡村地区

采用美国英语的拼法 世界上第二大国

以鱼、肉为主食 冬季平均气温

开办自己的农场 水力发电

在早期 到处迁移


1. 和中国的情况一样,加拿大各地区气候都不相同。

2. 为了控制这个国家,那些定居者相互争斗了两个世纪。

3. 我希望你或你姐姐顺便把我带回家。

4. 城市的街道比过去脏得多。

5. 人们希望他们的生活方式将会保存更多世纪。

6. 杭州由于美丽的西湖而闻名。