g1Unit 13 Health Eating

发布时间:2017-11-28 编辑:互联网 手机版



habit give advice advise make suggestions contain hurt have a fever a bit lie down examine base on be armful to build one’s body keep from be short of stay fit / healthy lose / gain weight


I’ve got a pain here.

What’s wrong with Mike?

Which meal do you think is the most important?

We had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.


model verbs: had better ,ought to ,should



1.advise, suggest

相同点:advise 和suggest 都可表示“建议”,that 后面都可以跟名词,动名词,从句作宾语。


I suggest (advise) a tour of the museum.


I suggest (advise) taking a bath after the football practice.


They suggested (advised) that Li Ming be sent to the south.



advise 后可以接不定式宾补,成为advise sb.to do sth. 的搭配,suggest 则不可以。

eg. I advise you to put on more clothes today. 我建议你今天再穿上点衣服。

2.contain, include

相同点:contain, include 都要表示“包括”。

不同点:contain 侧重包含的内容或成分;include 侧重范围或整体。

contain 还作“能容纳…,能装入…”解。

eg. This classroom can contain 60 people. 这个教室能容纳60人。

试题:The book ___________forty maps, __________three of great Britain.

A.contains; includes B.is containing; including

C.includes; contains D.contains; including

解析 contain 作“含有”讲,不能用于进行时。The book 中“含有40幅地图”,侧重的是内容;又因为including 为介词,常位于句尾,所以答案为D。

答案 D

试题:用contain, include 填空:

1.This case___________soap.

2.The group_________two English scientists.

3.Sea water__________salt.

4.The price__________postage charge.

答案 1.contains 2. includes 3. contains 4.includes

3.a bit, a little; not a bi ,not a little

相同点:a bit / a little 作程度副词时意义相同,都是表示“有点”或互换使用。

eg. My foot hurts a bit/ a little.



(1)a bit / a little 作形容词修饰名词时,

a little 可直接修饰不可数名词,而a bit 须与of 连用。

A little food 一点儿(少量)食物

A bit of food

(2)a bit / a little 用于否定句,意义完全不同。

Not a bit =not at all 一点也不

Not a little=very 很;非常

4.pain. ache. hurt

相同点:pain/ ache/ hurt 都可用来表示“疼痛”。

不同点:pain 常用作名词,间或也可用作动词。

Ache 一般用作动词,作为名词常出现在复合词中,很少单独使用。如:headache 头痛,a stomachache 肚子痛,a toothache 牙痛。

Hurt 只能用作动词,指人体某一部位由于外界原因而感到痛,也可表示某一物体给人体某一部位带来疼痛。


My head aches/ hurts badly. =I have a bad headache. 我头疼得很厉害。

I’m aching all over, 我浑身疼痛。

My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt.我的鞋太小,脚都痛了。(本句不说…my feet pain /ache.)

Does your leg still hurt?你的腿还疼吗?

My new shoes hurt (me )穿着这双新鞋,我的脚有点痛。

(不句不能说:My new shoes pain/ ache me.)

5.ought to ,should

1)ought to 与should 均是情态动词,意思是“应该”,义务或可性,常可互换用。但ought 后接带to 的动词不定式,should 则后接动词原形;ought to 比should 具有更强烈的道义,责任,法律或原则等意味,但语气比must弱;should 指主观上感到有责任或义务去做某事,语气较婉转。


You ought to keep your promise. 你应该遵守诺言。

You should apologize to him .你应该向他道歉。

1)ought to 的否定式是ought not to do sth. should 的否定式是should not to sth.


You ought not to drink too much, 你不该喝太多的酒。

You should not eat so greedily.你不该如此贪吃。

2)注意到ought to 的疑问式及其回答。


(1)---Ought he to go ?他应该去吗?

--Yes, he ought (to )是的,他应该去。

--No.he ,oughtn’t 不,他不该去。

(2)--They ought to do it. Oughtn’t they?他们应该做那件事,不是吗?

--Yes, they ought (to )是的,应该。

--No,they oughtn’t ,不,不应该。

1)ought to +have done

表示“本应该做,而实际没有做某事”,相当于should +have done, 有时含有“责备”,“批评”等含义。


I ought to / should have phoned you this morning, but I forgot.


Oughtn’t to have done 本不应当做某事,而事实上却做了某事。

eg. You oughtn’t have stopped on the motor way.



(注意与must+ have done 作对比)

eg. If he had started at nine o’clock, he ought to have been in London by eleven o’clock.


6.in future, in the future

(1)in future指“今后”,侧重指从现在起以后的事情,相当于from now on。如:

You must be careful with your homework in future.今后你必须仔细写作业。

(2)in the future指“将来“,侧重指在将来的某一时间。如:

No one knows what will happen in the future.没人知道将来会发生什么事情。

7.instead, instead of

(1)instead是副词,instead of 是介词短语,表示“代替”的意义时,instead of 还含有“对比”的意思。如:

If you are busy, you may come another day instead. 如果你很忙,就改日再来吧。

Parents should give their child more advice instead of money. 父母应当给孩子更多的忠告,而不是金钱。

(2)instead of 表示“代替、顶替、而不是”的意思时,常和in place of 互换使用,其后常可用名词、代词和动名词。如:

If you have no time, I’ll go instead of you.如果你没时间,我愿意替你去。

(3)有时候instead of 还能起连词的作用,常译为“反而、而不”。如:

This book is dull instead of interesting.这本书不但无趣,反倒枯燥无味。

8.spend, take和cost


They spend a lot of money on advertising. 他们在广告上花了很多钱。

Would you spend 200 dollars on a new coat? 你愿意花二百美元买件新大衣吗?

(2)take 多指花费时间、精力。如:

The flight took us ten hours.这次飞行花了我们十小时。

It took her all afternoon to finish it. 她用了整个下午才完成这项工作。

(3)cost 主语多为物。如:

The new computer cost us over 1,000 dollars. 这台新电脑花了我们1000多美元。


(1)I’ve got a pain here.我这儿疼。

There is something wrong with my back/ my knee /my arm.



1)I’v got a fever /cough /headache /toothache.


2) This place hurts, 我这儿痛。

3) I don’t feel well/ all right today. I feel bad /terrible /sick today. 我今天感到不舒服/难受。

4)There’s something wrong with my leg. 我的腿有点不对劲。

(2)What’s wrong with Mike?

What’s the matter with you ?

What’s the trouble with you ?

What happened to you ?


eg.What 's the matter with you?

你怎么啦 ?

2)What 在句中作主语:the matter 是表语,作“麻烦事”解,因此用在宾语从句中。

“What is /was the matter?”的语序不变。


What’s the matter with Flora?


He went up to see what the matter was. ×

He went up to see what was the matter . √

3)the matter 还经常与anything, something, nothing 等连用。


Is anything the matter ?出什么事了吗?

He has something the matter with his feet 他的脚出了毛病。

(3)Which meal do you think is the most important?你认为哪一餐最重要?

该句为“特殊疑问句+do you +think/believe/imagine/suppose/say +主语+动词?”构的do you think 是插入语,后面是个宾语从句,要用陈述语序,而且这种句型不同于“Do you know./ask/tell+疑问词+主语+动词?”句型。


Who do you think has got the first prize?


What do you suppose has been taken away?


Do you know who he is ?



1. came to see me ?

A.Who you think B.Do you think C.Who do you think D.Whom do you think


2.Which sentence is right?__________________

A.Who do you know she is ?

B.Do you know who she is ?

C.Who do you know is she ?

D.Do you know who is she ?

答案 B

(4)We had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat ,对于吃什么,怎样吃我们最好还是学会作出正确的选择。

had 不可用have 替换,better 也无比较的意思。had better 后面跟不带to 的动词不定式,即跟动词原形,意指现在或将来,不指过去。意思是“还是…好,”“最好还是。”

had better 的否定式为:had better not do sth. 或hadn’t better do sth.

had better 的疑问式为:Had you better do sth ?

had better 的省略式为:You’d better do sth.

(5)Because we have so much to choose from.因为我们有那么多可以从中挑选的食物。

【注】在该句不定式中的介词from 不可省略。不定式与其所修饰的词具有动宾关系时,不定式必须是及物动词,而且后面不可再有宾语;如果不定式为不及物动词,后面要加适当的介词,同被修饰的词构成介宾关系。


They bought some cakes to eat. √

(eat some cakes )

He wants to hire a room to live ×

(不可说live a room )

改:He wants to hire a room in which to live.

(介词+关系代词+to +do)

to +do +介词=关系代词+to +do


He wants some books to amuse himself with


=He wants some books with which to amuse himself.

如果不定式所修饰的词不达意是way 或place ,介词可省略。


He has no way to go(by )他无路可走。

This is the best place to work (at) 这是最好的工作地方。



1.掌握被动语态的构成形式:be +过去分词。注意其在各种时态中的形式。



It is reported that Iraq is at war. 据报导伊拉克在交战。


The box was kept in the shade. 那盒子放在阴凉处了。


Many trees were cut down in the past. 过去人们砍了许多树。


3.不用于被动语态的动词:不及物动词和表示状态的动词,如:go, come,…, have(有), fit, hold(容纳),pass, suit, own, belong to,…


1)easy, difficult, fit, hard等形容词后的不定式同主语存在动宾关系时。

The question is easy (difficult) to solve. 问题易(难)于解决。

The water is fit to drink. 水适合喝。

2)be worth doing 值得……

The book is worth reading. (不能用being read)书值得一读。

3)主语+need(want, require)doing

The little boy needs looking after. 小男孩需要人照看。

The lecture hall needs cleaning. 报告厅需要打扫。

4)break, sell, build, burn, cook, cut, open, shut, wear, write等动词后接表示程度的副词时,说明主语的特点、性质或状态。

The books sell well. They have been sold out. 书卖得不错。都已卖完了。

5)“look, smell, sound, feel, taste + adj.” 连系动词不能用被动语态。

二、had better, ought to 和should的用法

(1)had better

最好……。这一表达方式含有“命令、劝告、建议”等意思,但语气比ought to和should稍弱。在使用中常缩写为 ’d better。其中的had并无时间的做文章,也无人称和数的变化。其否定式一般把not加在had better之后。如:

You had better get some sleep. 你最好睡一会儿。

I think he had better look for another job. 我觉得他最好再找份工作。

You had better not say that. 你最好别那么说。

(2)ought to

否定:ought not to (oughtn’t to)

疑问:ought I/you/he to + 动词原形

① 应该(指道义上有责任)

She ought to look after her children better. 她应该把自己的孩子照顾得更好些。

He oughtn’t to have said that (but he did). 他就不该说那些话。

② 应该(显示所采取行动的正确或明智)

Oughtn’t he/Ought he not to see a doctor? 他不该去看看医生吗?

③ 可能会,预料会做

Prices ought to come down soon. 价格大概很快会下跌。

They ought to win easily. 他们应该很容易就能取胜。


① 表义务

He should study harder. 他应该更用功些。

I should have finished my work. 我本应该做完我的工作。(实际上还没做完)

② 表明显的结果或合理的推论

It is five o’clock, the movie should begin soon. 已经五点钟了,电影应该快开始了。

③ 疑问句中表示难以相信或不应该之事

How should I know? 我怎么会知道?

④ 表示郑重、客气

I should say she is a beauty. 我认为她真是一个美人。

I should think so. 我也这样认为。

(4)ought to 和 should 在意思上相近,但ought to 的语气稍强。




1.What’s wrong (with you)?

=What’s the matter(with you)?

=What’s your trouble?

2.Is there anything wrong with you? 你怎么了?

3.Let me examine you. 我来给你检查一下。

4.Does it hurt here? 这儿疼吗?

5.Take it easy. It’s nothing serious.别着急,没什么严重的。

6.You’d better have a good rest. 你最好休息一下。

7.Take this medicine three times a day. 这药一天服三次。

8.Take 2 pills now and 2 more in 6 hours. 现在吃两片,6小时后再吃两片。

9.How long have you been like this? 你这样有多久了?

10.Drink plenty of water and have a good rest in bed. 多喝水,躺在床上好好休息。

11.Better stay inside and take it easy. 最好呆在家时砂要着急。

12.Are you feeling any better now?现在你觉得好些了吗?

13.I advise you to give up smoking and not to drink too much. 我建议你戒烟,别喝太多的酒。

14.You’ll have to have an X-ray /CT examination. 你得作一下经济危机/CT 检查。

15.You’ll have to have chemical examination. 你得作一下化验。

16.You need have an injection. 你需要打针。

17.You will be well/all right soon. 你很快就会好的。


1.I have got a pain here. This place hurts. 我这儿痛。

2.There is something wrong with my back/leg/arm. 我的背/腿/胳膊有点不舒服。

3.I’ve got a cough/headache/toothache/stomachache/fever. 我咳嗽/头痛/牙痛/胃痛/发烧。

4.I feel bad/terrible/sick today. I don’t feel well/all right today. 我今天感到不舒服。

5.I’m afraid I’ve got stomach/heart trouble. 恐怕我得了胃/心脏病。

6.Do I have to stay in hospital? 我必须得住院吗?

7.I’ve been in poor health all these days. 这些天我身体不佳。

8.I don’t feel like eating anything. 我不想吃东西。