牛津英语7A Unit 1 Grammar 教案

发布时间:2016-8-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit One

Grammar-Simple Present Tense

Teaching content : Unit one, Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1.To be able to understand the tense: Simple Present Tense.

2. To be able to use the tense correctly in daily communication.

Teaching Aids: Multi-media

Teaching Procedure:

Step One:

Teacher’s self-introduction, using simple present tense

Hello, I’m your new teacher, let’s be good friends, OK? Do you know my name? Am I tall or short? What colour is my hair? Do you want to know more about me?

Picture1-Picture8 : I’m Chen Yan. My English name is Shirley. I have a happy family. I have a lovely son. I live in Haimen. I go to school by bike. I like watching TV. I watch TV every evening. I love football.

Ss read Teacher’s self-introduction together.

Step Two:

Teacher present “Do you….?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.” by asking Ss questions.

Ss ask and answer questions with each other, using “ Do you…? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.”

Complete Millie’s profile on Page 8.

Ss read Millie’s profile together.

Step Three:

Try to introduce Millie to others, using “she”. Adding “s” to the verbs after “he”, “she” or “it”.

Millie ____ in a flat in Beijing. She _____ breakfast

at 7 a.m. She ____ to school with her friend. She _____

her cousin Andy very much. She _____ to her classmates

at lunchtime. She her dog for a walk every day.

Present some verbs ,let Ss add “s”

Step Four

Ask Ss to say something about your new English teacher: I have a new English teacher. Her name is Chen Yanzi. She has a happy family. She has a son. She doesn’t have any daughter. …Step Five:

T ask questions about the teacher present “Does she…?Yes ,she does./No, she doesn’t.”

Step Six:

Show a picture of their English teacher’s son, ask Ss to ask questions about him freely, using “Does he…? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

Game: Let’ s play a game-Are you the best?

Two tasks:

Task One: 用“Does he+动词原形?”设计问题向老师提问。


Task Two:搜集信息。根据各小组的问题和老师的回答,

以Our English teacher has a son. He is a lovely boy开头,说一段介绍老师儿子的话。每小组一次机会。Step Seven

Oral work: Say something about their English teacher, using “she”

Step Eight

Written work :Write an e-mail to their friends and tell them about their English teacher.

Step Nine:

Conclusion: Simple Present Tense.

Step Ten:

Homework assignment: Write an e-mail to their teacher, introducing one of their friends to her.

牛津英语译林版新教材7A Unit One Grammar 教后感

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