人教版高三Unit 12 Education

发布时间:2016-4-24 编辑:互联网 手机版


1. 话题:Education in China and other countries

2. 词汇:load, workload, strict, compulsory, commitment, skeptical, tendency, absent, expand, distribute, corporation, donate, curriculum, ministry, worldwide, aspect, profession, alongside, advocate, obtain, evident, recorder, select, suit, restriction, schedule, presentation, to begin with, drop out ( of), result in

3. 功能:进行比较(Making comparisons)

Compare…with… How is it similar to…?

How is it different? Compare 1985 with 2002. What changes can you find?

4. 词组

1.introduce a law 出台一个法律

2.by the year 2000 到2000年

3.nine years of compulsory education


4.reach this target 达到这个目标

5. school-age children 学龄儿童

6. attend primary school 上小学

7. be linked to =be related to


8.make a commitment to do sth =make a promise to do sth.

9. education for all 全民教育/ 普及教育

10.get every child into school 让每个孩子上学

1 11.to begin with首先;第一;起初

12. attach importance to…重视……,把重点放在…

13.be skeptical of…对……怀疑

14.have a tendency to do = tend to do sth 倾向于做……, 往往做……

15.be absent from school 旷课

16.drop out of school 辍学

17.take in 收留,收养;包括;领会,理解;欺骗

18.result in =lead to 导致/result from起因于…

19. mixed-grade classes 复式班

20.be spread out 分散 221. as far as…(远)至(某处);到……程度

22.distance learning 远程教学

23. by two-way radio 通过双向无线电

24. be available to do =be used to do 被用来做……

25.rely on 依赖,依靠

26.in less developed provinces


27. one in three students 三分之一学生

28. have a lot in common 有许多相似之处

29. obtain/ get/ acquire information


30.It is evident that= It is clear/obvious that…

31. facial expressions 面部表情

31. take detailed notes 详细记笔记

32. talk through =discuss 讨论…

33. be active in 积极参加

34. take a hands-on approach


35. approach one's study tasks 应付学习任务

36. in remote rural schools 在偏远的山区学校

37. as a means of…作为……的方法

38. face to face 面对面

39. sit for 参加(考试)

40. concentrate on 集中,专心,专注

1.People aged 15 and over who are unable or find it very difficult to read. 15岁不识字或识字有困难的人。① aged 形容词。①本句中意为“有…岁的,…年纪的。”

Among the smokers, about 20 percent of them are children aged between 13 and 15 years old. middle-aged people 中年人

② aged 还有“年老的”意思。 “the aged”指“老年人”。

2.as in other countries,相当于as it is in other countries, it 指代的是后面提到的情形。

In India, as in China, you can enjoy ancient culture and attractive scenery.


3.have a tendency to do do sth 意为“倾向,趋向。” “tendency” 的动词为“tend”

“tendency” 还可构成“(have) a tendency to /towards”的词组。

Milk has a tendency to go sour in hot weather . 热天牛奶易变坏。

Boys have a stronger tendency to fight than girls. 男孩比女孩更有打斗倾向。

All children have a tendency towards illness. 小孩都较易患病。

4.drop out 表示“退出,掉队,退学”之意。

The class began with ten students, but several have dropped out within the last month.

Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs.


Luckily, I dropped out before the deal turned sour.很幸运的,在交易变坏前我已退出了。

One of my teeth has dropped out.我的一只牙齿掉了。

She dropped out of school to become a waitress.她退学去当女招待。

5.expand 表示“扩大,增大(become greater in size, number or importance)”.

Our foreign trade has expanded greatly in recent years. 我们的对外贸易近来有极大的发展。

His modest business eventually expanded into a supermarket empire.


6.take in 本句中意为“接受,接纳。”它还可以表示以下等含义:


They listened to my lecture, but how much did they take in, I wonder?


The article takes in all aspects of the problem. 包括了这个问题的所有方面。

③欺骗,使上当 Don’t trust that fellow, he’ll take you in if he gets the chance.

④将(衣服)收小,改瘦。I’m getting much thinner, I’ll take in all my clothes.

7.spread out 表示“散开”的意思。

Halong Bay in Vietnam is made up of three thousand islands spread out in the clear green waters of the sea. 越南的九龙湾由三千个岛屿构成,这些岛屿散布在蔚蓝清澈的大海中。

Don’t all sit together, spread yourselves out. 别都挤在一块儿,分开坐吧。

8.obtain 取得某物,经(买、借、拿等)获得

There are people who gamble or cheat to obtain money. Those people try to get money by dishonest means. 有一些通过欺骗和赌博获得钱的人,他们总想通过不诚实的手段来得到钱。

I obtained this record for you with difficulty. 我好不容易为你弄到了这张唱片。


① demonstrate在本句中指“表明,表示(show)”.

His sudden departure demonstrates that he is unreliable. 他的突然离去表明他的不可靠。

② demonstrate 在高二教材中出现时,表示“示威集会或游行 ”。

可构成词组,demonstrate (against/in favor of sb /sth) 示威游行反对或赞成某人或某事。

它的名词形式有demonstrator游行者,示威者,demonstration 示威或游行。

Thousands demonstrated against the price increases. 数以千计的人举行示威,抗议物价上涨。

The police arrested more than 100 demonstrators. 警察逮捕了100多名示威游行者。

10. evident 形容词,表示“明显的,清楚的(obvious, clear)”。

He looked at his children with evident pride. 他以明显的得意态度望着他的孩子。

The applause made it evident the play was a hit. 掌声表明这个戏剧很成功。

11. hands-on 作定语,意为“亲生实践的,实际的”。

Bush met the two leaders in a June 4 summit in Jordan showcasing his decision to take a more hands-on approach to Middle East peacemaking. …表明他决定采取更实际行动来推进中东和平进程。

12.suit ① suit本句中表示“适合,适应(satisfy, meet the needs of, be convenient)

He said he knew of a hotel that might suit them. 他说他知道一个可能适合他们的旅馆。

Let’s fix a day. Would Saturday night suit you? 我们定个日子吧,周六晚方便吗?

② be suitable for/to “适合,合适”。在后面的writing中有一个句子。

What aspects of your study habits are not suitable to your learning style and why.


When we design buildings, we should keep in mind that there should be apartments that are suitable for disabled persons. 当我们设计大楼的时候,我们要记住:应该设计一些适合残疾人居住的公寓。