人教版高一(下)英语知识清单:重点短语和重点句子Unit 17 -18(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-8 编辑:互联网 手机版


1 What has become of her?=What has happened to her?她怎么样了?

eg,What will become of him if his wife dies?

2 be mean to sb对某人刻薄 be mean with money对钱吝啬

A mean dog 一条恶狗 a man of mean birth出身低微的人

3 The impression she makes on me is that…..

make/leave/give/create an impression on sb给某人留下印象

eg,What’s your impression of the movie?

eg,The movie gave/left/made/created a deep impression on me.

4 imagine (sb)doing sth想象 eg, It’s hard to imagine working in a place like that.

imagine (that)… eg, Imagine(that)you are travelling alone to the South Pole.

imagine what/how/why…eg,I can just imagine what the place is going to look like in a few years.

5 celebrate my 60th birthday

6 at the opposite end of the world在世界的另一端

7 a 400-mile journey of challenge and danger

8 be around the corner=be on the way=be approaching/coming=be drawing near即将来临

9 put up my tent 搭起帐篷put up a notice 张贴通知put up one’s hand举手

put up at the hotel在那家旅馆住宿 put up with 忍受

10 a howling storm怒号的风暴 howl with laughter狂笑

11 threaten sb/sth (with sth)威胁,恐吓 eg, The manager threatened me with dismissal.

eg,Nuclear weapons threaten the peace and security of the world.

threaten to do / threaten that…威胁,恐吓;(预示)有…危险 threatening letters恐吓信

eg,The hijackers threatened to kill all the passengers if their demands were not met.

=threatened that they would kill…

eg,The scandal threatens to ruin his prospects.这桩丑闻可能会毁掉他的前程。

eg,The dark clouds threatened big rain.乌云密布预示着大雨降至。

12 the storm die down.风暴渐渐弱下来 rumor/gossip die down流言蜚语渐渐消失

13 a frozen fish 冻鱼 a frozen heart冷酷的心

be frozen (stiff)(口语)冻僵,感到极冷 eg,I’ m frozen!Turn on the heater.

be frozen with fear/terror/fright被吓呆了,被吓得无法动弹

对比:It’s freezing(cold).(天气)太冷了。above/below freezing 冰点以上、以下

14 sing/shout at the top of one’s voice放开嗓子唱歌、叫喊

from top to toe/bottom从头到脚;完全地,彻底地eg,He is dressed in black from top to toe.

eg,We searched the house from top to bottom.

On top of the world(adj.)(口语)非常高兴的,非常幸福的

eg,Such a great honor for me really makes me feel on top of the world.

15 give a warning 告诫,警告 without warning没有预告地,突然地

16 from under my skis from above my head from behind the door from among the crowd

17 practise self rescue练习自救

18 be thankful/grateful to sb(for sth)=thank sb for sth

=show/express thanks/gratitude to sb (for sth)因…而感激某人

19 be in good/excellent/poor health身体好、非常好、不好

be good/bad for your health有、不利于健康

同义:(sb)be in condition=be in a good state of health健康状况良好

(sb)be out of condition=be in a poor state of health健康不佳

20 have an accident 出事故 by accident 偶然地,意外a happy accident好运气,侥幸

Accidents will happen.(口语)世事难料,在所难免

eg,.Don't feel sorry about the broken glass. Accidents will happen, you know. 别再为那打破的杯子难过了,大家都知道,人人都有出差错的时候。

21 stand on one’s left leg左腿站立 stand on one’s head 倒立

lie on one’s back仰卧 lie on one’s stomach俯卧

22 struggle to one’s knees挣扎着跪起来 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来

get/rise to one’s knees/feet跪起来;站起来

23 on one’s hands and knees=on all fours双手双膝着地,爬着,趴着

eg,Billy was down on all fours on the ice. 比利摔得趴在冰上。

24 be optimistic/pessimistic about对…乐观,悲观

25 take up a job/career as a teacher=take up teaching开始从事教师职业

take up gardening(become interested in gardening and spend time doing it)


The table takes up too much space.Her time is fully taken up with writing.

She took up(continue)the story where I had left off.她接着我未讲完的故事。

take up arms.拿起武器 take up your book/pen拿起你的书,笔

26 take shelter寻求庇护,躲避

eg,Suddenly it began to rain.They had to take shelter under a big tree.

27 a successful TV personality一位成功的电视名人

注意:personality名人(famous to the public because they often appear in the media.)

celebrity名人,明星(famous esp.someone in the entertainment business)

28 come to terms with甘心忍受,屈服 be on good/bad terms with与某人关系好、不好

in the long/short term从长期、短期来看 in terms of 就…而言

29 Don’t bother me with stupid questions.烦扰,困扰

Sorry to bother you,but can you tell me…?对不起,打搅一下…

Don't bother about/with sth.不要为某事烦恼,操心;费心

Don't bother to do…不必费心做,不要麻烦…eg,Don’t bother to see us off at the airport.

30 set an example (to sb)/set(sb) an example给某人树立榜样 follow one’s example效仿某人 let…be an example to sb.以…借鉴,鉴戒(warning) eg,Let his failure be an example to you.

make an example of sb:punish sb as a warning to others惩罚某人以警戒他人,杀鸡给猴看

31 Oprah Winfrey’s rise to fame(n.) 某人的成名 (sb) win fame/rise to fame(v.)

seek fame and fortune追名逐利

31 a young man full of promise=a promising young man大有前途的年轻人

32 within/beyong(out of) one’ reach范围内、外

33 wish sb sth 表祝福 eg,I wish you a lot of success.=May you succeed.

Wish you a Happy New Year!


1. It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.For women it seems twice as difficult(as it is).




3.倍数(times)+the+名词(size, height, weight, length, width)+of

eg,The newly-built square is three times as big as the previous one.

=twice bigger than the previous one.=three times the size of the previous one.



a. I’m twice/double his age=I’m twice as old as he.

b. I’ve paid three times the usual price for the ticket.

c.……倍数+as many(或much)+名词+as…

eg,Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need every day.



We have produced twice more grain this year than we did last year.


2 The wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

eg,When I came to myself ,I found myself lying in bed.

3 I struggled to my knees knowing that somehow I had to put my tent up for shelter.

4 It’s an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.

5 Oprah Winfrey’s wonderful career inspires many people to believe that success and happiness in life are within reach for everyone.

Unit18 New Zealand


1 in relation to 与…有关 eg,Can you mark the places on the map in relation to China?

与…相比 eg,Women’s earnings are still low in relation to men’s.

2 A lies in/on/to the east(n.) of B=A lies east (adv.)of B

3 be made up of =consist of

4 be surrounded by/with被…环绕

5 take possession of/be in possession of拥有,占有

注意in possession/charge of与in the possession/charge of 的区别

6 sign/reach/tear up an agreement 签订、达成、撕毁协议

7 have a population of 人口达… cover an area of面积达…

8 growing/increasing numbers of数目不断增长的

9 make up 6% of the total population占据6%的人口

10 the majority of the people=most of the people

11 Some farmers have turned to keeping deer. (转向)

Why not turn to your teacher or the dictionary when coming across new words?(求助)

12 attract tourists from all over the world吸引来自全世界的游客


1 New Zealand is an island that lies off the east coast of Australia.

2 New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical.

3 New Zealand has a very beautiful natural landscape with green hills and mountains.

4 New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people,of which about 14% are Maori.

5 These occasions are marked (=celebrated)with speeches,singing and dancing.

eg,a celebration to mark the school’s 100th anniversary一场庆祝该校建立100周年的庆典

6 New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.