译林牛津模块7 Unit 3 Reading (语言点)(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-8-19 编辑:互联网 手机版


1 analysis n.-ses分析;分解

chemical analysis化学分析

make an analysis of …对…的分析

The analysis of the samples on the murder spot showed some valuable clues to the police.


in the final analysis总之, 最终仍是...; 归根结底是

in the last analysis总之, 最终仍是...; 归根结底是

analyze vt.-lyzed, -lyzing分析,分解

The scientist analyzed the milk and found it contained too much water.


The chemist analyzed the new tonic and found it contained poison.


2 value un.用处,用途;价值

What is the value of your house?你的房子值多少钱?

In spite of this, many people are confident that 'The Revealer' may reveal something of value fairly soon.尽管如此,很多人都相信那个`探宝器'很快就能探测到一些有价值的东西。

Your help has been of great value.你的帮助很有价值。

vt.-ued, -uing估价;定价

He valued the ring at $80.他估计这枚戒指值80美元。

尊重;珍视I value your advice.我尊重你的劝告。

of no value没有价值的

put [set) little value on [upon]对...评价不高; 不怎么重视

put [set] much [a high] value on [upon]对...给予高度评价; 重视

set a value on估价, 评价(I asked him to set a value on the pictures. 我请他对这些画估个价。)

value at估(某物的)价为

3 acquire vt.得, 得到, 获得; 招致;学得(知识等), 求得, 养成(习惯等)

We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English.我们必须用功学习才能精通英语。

We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood.我们必须珍惜用鲜血换来的经验。

acquire knowledge of求得...的知识

acquired adj.已获得的, 已成习惯的, 后天通过自己的努力得到的

4 sort n.(人或物的)群, 类,种,型

He's a sort of people who're incapable of deceiving you.他是那种不会欺骗你的人。

a sort of稍稍地;有几分

vt., vi.(常与out, over连用)整理;分类

I sorted the books into big ones and small ones.


"Sort out these papers and fasten them together with a clip, please."


all sort(s) of (=of all sorts)各种各样的

a sort of一种

in any sort无论如何, 必须

in some\ a sort多少, 稍微

of a sort同一种[类], 相当的, 勉强称得上的, 较差的, 所谓的

of all sorts各种各样的

of every sort and kind各种各样的

of sorts=of a sort各种各样的, 未经挑选的

of the sort那样的; 这类的...., 诸如此类的...

out of sorts觉得不舒服, 情绪不佳, 心里不自在; 【刷】铅字不全

some sort of某种 的, 仿佛, 多少有些

sort out整理好;挑出

sort out from把...从...挑出来

sort well with sth.同某物相称, 同某物协调

5 advance vt., vi advanced, advancing前进;增进

The troops advanced.部队向前开进。

The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.盟军正在向敌军营地挺进。

进展;发展The work is not advancing.工作没有进展。

促进, 助长advance the growth of rice促进水稻生长

The Government of Iran advanced the price of petroleum last week.


in advance预先You must pay for the book in advance.你必须预先付书的钱。


Advanced adj.高级的, 先进的

the advanced education高等教育

advanced mathematics高等数学

advanced studies高深的研究

advanced ideas先进的思想

6 moreover adv.而且;此外=What’s more=besides=in addition

"The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn't in a suitable position."


7 popularity n.普及, 流行, 声望

enjoy [win] general popularity享盛名, 受欢迎, 得众望

8 advantage


Mary speaks good English, but she has an advantage because her mother is English.


Many women think this is an advantage for men.许多妇女认为这是男人的优越之处。


Is there any advantage in getting there early?早到那里是否值得?

at an advantage有利地

be of advantage to对...有利

have an advantage over胜过, 优于

give sb. an advantage over使某人处于更有利的地位

take advantage of乘机利用;利用别人的弱点占便宜

to advantage有利地; 有效地;

to sb.'s advantage(=to the advantage sb.)对...有利

turn out to sb.'s advantage变得对某人有利

turn sth. to advantage使转化为有利, 利用某事物

win an advantage (over)取得(对...的优势)

with advantage有利地, 有效地

(be) at a disadvantage处于不利地位

put sb. at a disadvantage使某人处于不利地位

take sb. at a disadvantage乘隙攻击某人, 攻其不备

to sb.'s disadvantage对某人不利, 使某人吃亏

9 occur vi-rr-发生

The accident occurred at five o'clock.事故发生在五点钟。


An idea occurred to me.我想到一个主意。

if anything should occur, ...如果发生什么事情的话,

It occurred to me that ...我刚刚想到...

occur to sb.浮现在某人的脑海中; 被某人想到

10 course n.过程, 进程, 路线, 课程,

a short -term course短期班

a river in its course to the sea流向大海的河

give a course of lectures作连续的讲演

The ship was blown off course.那船被吹离航线。

a matter of course理所当然的事, 自然地, 势所必然

in course of在...的过程中

in the course of在...期间

during the course of在...期间

of course当然, 自然

off course离开了规定的航线

11 in need of需要

in want of需要 缺少

12 gain vt., vi.获得,得到

He quickly gained experience.他很快就有经验了。

Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.



He gained weight after his illness.病后他的体重增加了。

13 turn to指向, 转向;求取于, 依赖

turn dow降低,压低(力量、声音等);拒绝,不接受

Please turn the television down a bit.请把电视机音量关小点。

to turn down the gas关小煤气

turn in上缴

turn on打开(煤气、自来水、电灯等)

turn out生产;出产

We are to turn out 100,000 586 computers next year to meet the market requirements.


(常与to, that连用)结果

Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.事情正如教授所预见的那样。

The plan turned out a failure.这项计划结果归于失败。

turn over (使)翻过来; (使)翻倒, (使)打滚;交给, 移交;熟思, 再三考虑

turn up找到;发现;被找到;(将底边折起)把(衣服)改短出现;来临;露面;把声音开大;把力量加大;发生(意想不到的事)